Prejudice  What is prejudice?  Why are people prejudiced?  Individual view  Intergroup view  Can prejudice be reduced?


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Presentation transcript:

Prejudice  What is prejudice?  Why are people prejudiced?  Individual view  Intergroup view  Can prejudice be reduced?

Prejudice “An attitude (usually negative) toward the members of some group, based purely on their membership in that group” (Baron & Byrne, 1991)

Prejudice  A type of attitude:  Cognitive component - thinking  Affective component - feeling  Behavioural component - doing  Related terms:  Stereotype  Discrimination

Individual Theories  Suggest that prejudice is due to the psychological make-up of the individual  Authoritarian personality  Frustration-aggression (scapegoating)  Norm theory

Authoritarian Personality  Adorno et al (1950)  Suggestion that people who are prejudiced have a particular personality type:  Hostile to inferiors  Servile to superiors  Rigid & inflexible  Conventional in outlook  Intolerant of ambiguity

Authoritarian Personality Harsh & Punitive upbringing Little affection from parents Repressed hostility and anger Needs an outlet somewhere Outward respect towards authority High opinion of parents Anger displaced onto ‘inferior’ groups… Prejudice

Authoritarian Personality  Some evidence that shows correlation between authoritarianism & e.g. anti- Semitism  Many methodological problems  Doesn’t explain uniformity of prejudices across society e.g.  Nazi Germany – anti-Semitism  US in WWII – anti-Japanese  South Africa during apartheid

Other Individual Theories  Scapegoating  Displacement of aggression onto ‘outgroups’ during times of hardship  Social norms  We acquire prejudices through social learning in the same way as other attitudes

Realistic Conflict Theory  Idea that prejudice arises when social groups compete for scarce resources  Prejudice leads to hostility which is a strategy for denying resources to the outgroup whilst securing them for the ingroup

Realistic Conflict Theory  The Robber’s Cave study (Sherif et al, 1961)  Creating prejudice between two groups of boys at a US summer camp Competition In-group favouritism Prejudice against out-group Group isolation

Social Identity Theory  Based on idea that competition between groups is not necessary for prejudice; simply having different social groups is enough  Our sense of self is bound up in the groups we belong to – feel better about ourselves by making favourable comparisons with other groups

Social Identity Theory  Jane Eliot’s ‘Blue Eyes – Brown Eyes’ experiment  Tajfel & colleagues (1970s) – the minimal groups experiments

Reducing Prejudice  Equal-status contact with outgroups  Pursuit of common goals  Education