Aggression in sport Sue Young
Aggression in sport Definitions Aggression: Uncontrolled Intent to harm Outside the rules Reactive Assertion: Controlled No intent to harm Within the rules Motivated AggressionAssertion ? Control Frustration
Aggression in sport Causes of aggression in sport Over-arousalEnvironmentContact Unfair decisions Frustration Personality traits Intimidation Stress Type of sport Social learning Importance of event Losing Expectations Blow to self esteem
Aggression in sport How to prevent aggression CoachPlayer Task: Complete the table by suggesting four measures a coach could take and three measures a player could take to prevent aggression.
Aggression in sport How to prevent aggression CoachPlayer Punish or substitute a playerUse relaxation techniques Reinforce non-aggressive actsMental rehearsal Promote peer group pressureChannel the aggressive response Set non-aggressive goals Suggested solution: Complete the table by suggesting four measures a coach could take and three measures a player could take to prevent aggression.