Mariah Jackson Michelle Martinez Whitney Morrison
Aggression- behavior whose purpose is to harm another Frustration-aggression principle Cooperation- behavior b two or more individuals that leads to mutual benefit The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Altruism – behavior that benefits another without benefiting oneself Reciprocal Altruism
Group – a collection of two or more people who believe they have something in common Prejudice Discrimination Diffusion of responsibility Group polarization
Selectivity Attraction Mere exposure effect Human Faces and Body Characteristic Asymmetrical Relationships Social exchange Equity Love
The Hedonic Motive- desire to experience pleasure Observational learning The Approval Motive – desire to be accepted Conformity Obedience The Accuracy Motive – desire to believe what is true Informational Influence Persuasion Consistency
Stereotyping- the processes by which people draw inferences about others based on their knowledge of the categories to which others belong Place people into categories, and use that knowledge to come to conclusions about who they are.
Stereotyping Continued… Although stereotypes can be useful they can be Inaccurate Only as accurate as our knowledge about the categories in which they are placed. Ignorance Stereotypes can be Self-Perpetuating Virus- Once inside, it resists even our slightest efforts to erase. 3 Mindbugs: 1. Perception Confirmation: Observer tends to perceive what they want to perceive. 2. Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Observers bring out what they expect to perceive. 3. Subtyping: The process of creating a modification to a stereotype rather than abandoning it altogether, when confronted with evidence that clearly disconfirms that stereotype.
Stereotyping Continued… Stereotyping can be Automatic Unconsciously Automatic Attribution- And inference about the cause of a person’s behavior. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Social influence is A: relationship with people B: understanding people C: interacting with people D: controlling people Answer is D
Schacter, Daniel L., Daniel Todd. Gilbert, and Daniel M. Wegner. Introducing Psychology. New York, NY: Worth, Print. "Google Images." Google. Web. 09 Apr