Earth Spheres
Earth Spheres Geosphere/Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Define each: Geosphere/Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Anthrosphere
Geosphere/Lithosphere The rocks, mountains, lithospheric plates, and other physical features of Earth, except for water.
Atmosphere The gaseous envelope of air surrounding Earth, made up of a mixture of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent other gases and water vapor.
Hydrosphere All water in the Earth system – gaseous (water vapor), solid (snow and ice), and liquid ( rain and water).
Biosphere All living organisms in the Earth system and their environments.
Anthrosphere The human component of the earth system.
Affects on the Earth Spheres How might an increase in rainfall in an area affect each of the Earth Spheres? Geosphere/Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Anthrosphere
Affects on the Earth Spheres A B C Earthquakes •Volcanoes •Avalanche Flooding •Beach erosion •Tsunami Erosion •Drought •Blizzard • Thunderstorm •Hurricane •Tornado • Lightning •Wildfire •Mudflow DESCRIBE how each event can affect each of the Earth Sphere’s.