The 4 Spheres! By: Jessica Redmond.


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Presentation transcript:

The 4 Spheres! By: Jessica Redmond

Geosphere! Geosphere is often used to refer to land, and the densest parts of the earth which consist mostly of rock.

What is the geosphere made of? The Geosphere is mainly made of things like the inner and outer core, crust and the mantle. Which all of them is basically just rock.

What threatens the Geosphere? Things that threaten the geosphere is anything that threatens land and things like that. Erosion, mining, littering and lots of other things.

The Atmosphere! The earths atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet earth that is retained by earth’s gravity. This sphere protects life by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation warming the surface through heat retention.

What the atmosphere is made of? The atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 0.03% carbon dioxide and very small percentages of other elements.

What threatens the sphere? There a things that ruin the atmosphere and global warming and desertification are a couple of the things.

The Hydrosphere The hydrosphere is the part of the earth that contains all the water found here.

What is it made of? The hydrosphere is made up of water.3% fresh water, and 70% of water is frozen in ice caps.

What threatens it! Bad weather threatens the hydrosphere the most.

The biosphere!

What it’s made of! Over 30 million species of animals, plants, and fungi. 2 kinds of single celled living things such as bacteria.

What threatens it. Massive land conversion Strip mining erosion
