Social Media Trends Continually rethinking the social space
Trend 1: Social media is embedded within people’s lives
Your journal Your scrapbook Your research Your newspaper Your phone Your coffee companion Your pillow companion? Social media is embedded in lives
Trend 2: Impacting mainstream culture and politics
Organizing Raising money Public opinion Bringing widespread few together Impacting culture and politics
Trend 3: Content curation makes social media easier
Pull in other content Organize it Add your thought leadership Redistribute Become the source Content curation
We have identified lists of social media posts for your use! On average, we produce about 6 lbs of waste per person per day! #LESS is more! #reduce #REDUCE #reuse #recycle in order--Waste reduction rules b/c it actually prevents generation of waste, saves resources. Use a #reusable mug. Bring a water bottle. Save #money. #Reduce waste. #LESS is more! Use Our Toolkit Social Media Posts
Trend 4: Social spreads within businesses
HR recruitment Sales prospecting Operational transparency Customer service support Marketing and advertising Social businesses
Trend 5: Fragmentation and Acquisition
New and sometimes even better ideas New networks and even entirely new technologies Facebook and Google will copy or acquire what they can Fragmentation and acquisition
Trend 6: Social Gaming Grows
100 million gamers on social networks like Facebook 148 million will be gaming online through Wii, PS3 and Xbox million playing social games on mobile devices 11.1 million subscribers for World of Warcraft Social gaming grows
iPad + toys + 4 year olds = Good?
1.Social media is embedded within people’s lives It isn’t new. You need a plan or at least know why you don’t have one. 2.Impacting mainstream culture and politics Use social media to engage constituents behind your programs. 3.Content curation makes social media easier Show much more activity with less time and people resources. Social trend insights to work with
1.Social spreads within businesses Social media needs to be embraced throughout the organization. 2.Fragmentation and acquisition You’ll never catch up… You’ll never know it all... That isn’t an excuse! 3.Social gaming grows Be creative. But just because it is social doesn’t mean it is good for you! Social trend insights to work with