New Investigator Award Program An Update
Change in Leadership Joan M. Lakoski, Ph.D. –Chief Scientific Officer & Vice President of Research and Graduate Education Kirsten Block, Ph.D. –Associate Director of Research and Graduate Programs
2016 NIA Program Letter of Intent Announcement: May 2015 Accepting Letters of Intent: July 7 – 31, 2015 Application Deadline: August 31, 2015 Notice of Award: January 2016
2016 NIA Program Awards up to $10,000 Expected to grant 13 awards – Down by 2 awards from last year
Do I need a mentor? Yes, you do. The mentor is only there to sign your grant and demonstrate that they are there to support you if needed (not like NIH F32 or K99). All they have to do is to sign the grant and would be great if they can write a letter of support! Mentor does not have to be from your institution.
Thank You!