By: Zak Taylor
Workout videos are made for people to be able to workout by following an instructor on a video Videos are easy to use and are effective There are a variety of videos with many different types of workouts Zumba Dance Boxing
Using a workout video in a fitness center would be an innovative idea It will bring people together for a fun atmosphere for working out People can meet up with friends and do it together
T.V Workout Room DVD player Workout Videos
Toshiba 42” HDTV Sony DVD player Found at Best Buy
A workout created by Shaun T Takes the idea of interval training and mixes with a bunch of other workouts Short bursts of an intense workout followed by rest or less intesnse movements Found at
It is a fitness program that combines Latin music and easy-to-follow dance moves It is a fun way to work out Found at
Another program by Shaun T. consists of hip-hop dance moves as a means of burning fat and sculpting abdominal muscles Found at
Toshiba 42” HDTV- $300 Sony DVD player- $30 Insanity- $70 Zumba fitness- $60 Hip Hop Abs-$50 Total- $510
Using a video as a teacher will save the fitness center money, no need for an instructor Having workout classes is a great way for people to meet each other Workout videos are easy to use and they will help save money for the fitness center