Moose The King Of Antlers By: ES
females are called cows males are called bulls The scientific name is Alces Alces They live up to 25 years old They live alone They are in the deer family They are mammals
Physical Features Huge Dark brown coat in summer Light gray/brown coat in winter Large ears that stand up Large head with rounded muzzle and nostrils at the end Thick neck Long, thin legs Thick, big body with stubby tail Males have big antlers
Habitat FORESTS!!! Swamps Moose live in: – Scandinavia – Russia – Asia – Northern forests
Climate Plenty of water Lots of trees Sometimes rainy In the winterIn the summer Snow in winter Summers warm or hot Freezing in winter
Food Herbivores They eat 100 pounds of plants each day They eat: Grass, plants, bark, etc. In summer eats water lilies, pond weed and water plants Normally eats in shallow water Occasionally eats in deep water Sometimes kneels to eat
Prey and Predator Prey Moose are herbivores They eat plants Predators Wolves Black bear Brown bear
Behavior Swim to keep flies off Protect their babies by fighting off other animals Roll in mud to keep flies off Males make their own territory Males attract females by fighting and they also dig holes and pee in it. Then they roll in their pee. Ugh!!! Lives alone
Babies Moms are pregnant for about 240 days Calves born in summer to early fall Normally one calf born at a time Sometimes 2 or 3 born at a time Good to be born in a peninsula so they are near water. Newborn weighs about 35 pounds
Physical Adaptations Hooves help them run 35 mph when escaping Hooves help them walk through snow, ponds, etc. Tough lip grabs food Fur coat keeps them warm Hearing help them to escape enemies
Behavioral Adaptations Nostrils close to keep water out Swim to keep flies off Make mud coat to keep flies off Males Fight for females Go in water to get food
Physiological Adaptations Digestive system has four chambers to chew rough food Food goes down to 1 st chamber, than up, down to 2 nd chamber, up continuing the pattern Excellent hearing helps avoid predators Great eyesight helps avoid predators Eyes adapted to see underwater
Fun Facts! They are the largest member of the deer family Can run up to 30 miles per hour In Europe and Asia moose are called Elk Only males have antlers Moose have 24 teeth Moose are drawn to salt on winter roads In winter males’ antlers fall off and they grow back in the spring.