Cougar Facts By Camille Fowler
Cubs Did you know that a baby cougar is a cub? They weigh about a pound when they are born. They are born with their eyes closed. Cougars have one to five cubs at one time.
Hunting At two months old cougars learn how to hunt. Cougars hunt deer and other animals. Cougars hunt alone. They stalk their prey. They watch silently and wait for the right moment to pounce.
Names Do you know that cougars are known by many other names? They can be called pumas, panthers, or mountain lions.
Predators Cougars’ predators are humans and alligators. Cougars prey upon deer, elk, moose, sheep, beavers, squirrels, and mice
WOW Facts Did you know... Cougars can run up to 40 miles per hour? Cougars can live up to 12 years? Cougars’ long tails help them balance?
COUGAR ACROSTIC Cougars are cool Other names are puma, panther, or mountain lion Usually sleep 15 to 18 hours each day Great balance because of their tails At 2 months old they learn to hunt Running up to 40 miles per hour
SOURCES Cougars by JoAnn Early Macken National Geographic Mountain Lion Website Yahoo Kids Mountain Lion Website