By: Jarrid Landis Ryan Faryna and Michael Marakovits Tundra By: Jarrid Landis Ryan Faryna and Michael Marakovits
Climate The tundra is the coldest region in the world. Even the sea freezes. The tundra receives less than 10 inches of precipitation every year! Strong winds create "white outs" when the snow blows so much that it is hard to see White outs last for days!!!
Plant Life There are very few plants in the tundra They are mostly bushes and shrubs They don’t grow very tall to avoid too much wind & and cold temperatures Some even have hairy stems to keep them warm Most have dark red leaves to absorb more sun
Animal Life There is a very large variety of animals that live in the tundra all year round They even had made adaption's with some having : short legs, long hair, and a coat of thick fur Some animals are, caribou, polar bear, penguins, squirrels, and moose
Interesting Facts In the summer months, the sun shines all the time, even at midnight As the sea freezes, the salt rises to the surface as crystals called Ice flowers The only tree that grows in the tundra is the dwarf willow tree. It grows a maximum 4 inches
Things to Do Snowboard/ ski Pick ice flowers for your women Shovel snow Hunt/ ice fish Snowmobile Make snow angels and snowmen Shovel MORE snow Make an igloo Shovel snow again
Human Use Humans can shovel some snow Test out clothing for warmth Test out things to be run in snow Snowmobiles Car/truck tires Have fun
Cultures The two cultures in the tundra are Inuit and Norse