Outline for the day Last week’s assignments New readings for you (4: one on SLA; 3 on Env-Poverty.) Today: Continue with SL ? Exercise in group Discuss.


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Presentation transcript:

Outline for the day Last week’s assignments New readings for you (4: one on SLA; 3 on Env-Poverty.) Today: Continue with SL ? Exercise in group Discuss journal articles you brought on your topic Presentation topic for next week Poverty/environment SLA/SLF in action The End of Poverty – Movie (a) Thursday – 6 to 8 pm? Exam date: April 11 or April 18. Your choice.

Last week’s Assignment… New readings. Assignment: your project. By Friday: questions; begin a blog (wordpress or blogspot) Only two blogs received today: bring journal or news articles – we will discuss 6 pmish

Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being - Vulnerability + Food security The SL Framework

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

Vulnerability Context The external environment in which people exist  Trends - population, resources, economic, governance, technology  Shocks  can be the result of human health, natural events, economic uncertainty, conflict and crop/livestock health.  - illness, natural disaster, economic, conflict, crop / livestock pests & diseases  Seasons - prices, production, health, employment

Vulnerability context  Outside people’s control  Not objective “risk” that matters – but also people’s subjective assessments of things that make them vulnerable.  Both perceived & actual vulnerability can influence people’s decisions and thus their livelihood strategies 6

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

What are these ‘assets’?  Human capital - skills, knowledge & info., ability to work, health ; local knowledge key  Natural capital - land, water, wildlife, biodiversity, environment  May be private property or common property  Financial capital - savings, credit, remittances, pensions; can be looked at as cash, credit, and inflows  Physical capital - transport, shelter, clean water, energy, sanitation, technology, communications;….  Social capital - networks, groups, trust, access to wider institutions; informal safety nets  Political capital (suggested by some): citizenship, enfranchisement, membership in political parities

It’s all about pushing out the ‘area’ of these assets TIP But it’s also about the sustainability of those assets Human Capital Natural Capital Physical Capital Social Capital Financial Capital

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

People’s access to livelihood assets is affected by policies & institutions Or ‘transforming structures and processes’  Structures:  organizations, levels of government, private sector behavior  Processes:  policies, laws, institutional ‘rules of the game’, incentives TIP Think micro, think macro, link micro to macro

What are institutions?  Regularized practices structured by rules and norms of society which have persistent and widespread use  May be both formal and informal  Usually subject to multiple interpretations by different actors  May occur on multiple levels: from household to community, nation, and global level 12

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

Livelihood Strategies - what do (rural) people do? Choices people employ in pursuit of income, security, well being…  Agricultural intensification / extensification  May combine access to natural capital (land) w economic capital (credit); or  Social capital (networks associated w/ drought) may be significant  Livelihood diversification  Migration

Livelihood strategies Unraveling the connection: key part  Agricultural intensification / extensification  - between capital-led and labor-led intensification  Livelihood diversification  Between an active choice to invest in diversification for accumulation and reinvestment and diversification to cope with adversity  Migration  Between voluntary and involuntary movement, effects, and movement pattern 15

Livelihood strategies: scale A key issue: scale at which an assessment takes place  Can be described at individual, household and village, and regional/national levels Differences evident between scale levels  Also: time scales. Over seasons and between years; over several generations 16

Our interventions must recognize that people have different strategies to achieve different ends  How important is “our” concern to people’s livelihoods?  And whose livelihoods in particular?  What else is important to people, and what conflicts might there be?

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

Livelihood Outcomes - what are people seeking to achieve?  More sustainable use of the NR base  More income  Increased well-being  Reduced vulnerability  Improved food security

Livelihood outcomes  Outcomes that improve or deplete the Natural Capital may get greatest attention – but…  NRM practices that reduce need for child labor  higher school attendance  enhancing human capital (plus may reduce local knowledge)  Collective watershed management  increase social capital 20

Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends Seasons Livelihood Capital Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Policies & Institutions (Transforming Structures & Processes) Structures - Government - Private Sector Processes - Laws - Policies - Culture - Institutions Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of NR base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security

To my mind...  It’s about seeing development from the shoes of the poor, not the shoes of the scientist  It has major implications for the way we work  as specialists  within a country programme  as a donor agency  with other donors

Not the same as...  Integrated Rural Development  ‘Farming Systems Approaches’ Not incompatible with...  Sector-wide approaches  Rights-based thinking  Common sense

How does SLF differ from other approaches? It puts people at the centre of development. People - rather than the resources they use or the governments that serve them - are the priority concern. It builds upon people's strengths rather than their needs. It brings together all relevant aspects of people's lives and livelihoods into development planning, implementation and evaluation. It unifies different sectors behind a common framework. It takes into account how development decisions affect distinct groups of people, such as women compared to men, differently. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the links between policy decisions and household level activities. It draws in relevant partners whether State, civil or private, local, national, regional or international. It responds quickly to changing circumstances. 24

Connection to Adaptation-How? The SL approach helps researchers to:  Focus on most vulnerable people  Assess their vulnerabilities and strengths  Tap existing knowledge & ongoing efforts to determine what works  Enable community-driven strategies and actions; ensure buy-in and longevity  Ultimately… fortify against future climate-related shocks 25

Review: what is the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework?  Putting people at the center of development; A different way of thinking about development  Useful also in assessing the effectiveness of existing efforts to reduce poverty  Useful to stimulate debate and reflection

When to use it?  When it has been established through a prior process that the improvement of people’s means of living is a priority;  At the development programme and project level,  At the early stages of the development programme and project cycle (identification, design and appraisal), and integrated into ongoing monitoring and evaluation as well;  In the context of rural or urban development. 27

Key issues in the SL framework 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Poor not central enough – easily “lost” from vision Key “processes” – gender, age, ethnic group, class/caste – not explicitly highlighted “Tradeability” of livelihood assets not indicated Linkages between different elements not sufficiently highlighted Too sequential – left-to-right Aspirations and opportunities missing Little assistance in dealing practically with “PIP box”

The SL Framework 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Policies Institutions Processes N S F P H Vulnerability Context Shocks Seasonality Trends Changes influence Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes

Focussing on the poor 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley ThePoor

Livelihood Assets 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley FinancialPhysical Natural Social Human Personal ThePoor

Unpacking Policies and Institutions 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

Unpacking “Processes” 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

An Envelope of Action 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

Strong Envelope – People Less Vunerable 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

Weak Envelope – People More Vulnerable 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Enabling agencies Service providers Financial Physical Natural Social Human Personal The Poor

Uses 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley A guide for people in the analysis of development practice and issues Encourages discussion and probing Not necessarily easier to explain but more complete Specifically identifies many features – politics, rules, social norms, gender/age/class/ethnic issues – that will help make it more culture specific Still not a magic bullet!

Advantages 17/06/2004 IFAD SL Framework - J. Hamilton-Peach & P. Townsley Addresses some of the “grey areas” identified regarding SL  Places the poor firmly at the centre – makes people visible  Suggests the importance of clear definition of who is at the centre of the analysis  Unpacks the PIP box – more specific regarding key institutions and processes – and provides a more practical approach to analysing institutional and policy issues  Incorporates political dimension more explicitly  Helps understand entry points – based on opportunities and aspirations, possible at different levels (identifying them still depends on good analysis)

 Study the way resources are organized in space and time and how they are allocated; how this has evolved through time taking a baseline date (beginning of the war in 75); and how this has impacted livelihoods.  To do so: Each team would assess how the human, natural, financial, physical and social capitals have changed over time, and, consequently, how the farmers currently have been impacted, and how they manage. Included within the examination is a study of the various agencies that these farmers depend on in their production, and the ability (or lack of) for these farmers to continue to sustain themselves  To do so: You would use the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to assess farmer ‘communities’. You could also do problem tree analyses or DPSIR for particular issues that you find, to root the superficial management problems and examine their complexity and relationships. [Both tools to be discussed next week]  Plus: You would map the changes geographically 40

 Now: examine your questions.  Work with a member from another team  Develop your questions further  Go back to your team  (Begin to) develop a methodology/time-line ▪ What methods/tools would you need to build? ▪ What is your time line? 41

 Your journal articles / your news articles 42

 The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach 1. The Basic Needs School 2. The Utilitarian-Income/GNP Approach 3. The Natural Wealth Approach 4. The Rights based approach 5. The Capabilities Approach

 Overview of the complexity and multidimensionality of human well- being.  Underlying processes that mediate the links between human well-being and ecosystems.  Define and link the guiding principles on human well-being for use in analyzing environmental state-and-trends.