Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1
2 Communicating Effectively Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 Listen to Me
3 Methods of Communication Verbal Non-verbal Written Visual 3
4 Verbal Communication Sounds Words Includes speaking and listening
5 Non-verbal Communication Body language Facial expression Gestures Eye contact
6 Written Communication Letters Books Articles Includes reading and writing
7 Visual Communication Pictures Drawings Displays Television
8 Types of Speeches Persuasive –Convince the audience of your point of view Informational –Provide information to your audience Special Occasion –Introductory, inspiring, or entertaining 8
9 How to Present a Speech Select appropriate material Operate under appropriate time schedule Know your audience Know your topic Four characteristics of good speaking include: 9 Voice Power of Expression Presence Effect
10 Voice Articulate clearly Express feeling with pitch Use tone to emphasize important words Use volume and emphasis to speak with force 10
11 Presence Confident and comfortable poise and body posture Positive attitude Express confidence Express ease with audience 11
12 Power of Expression Smooth fluency Emphasis of key words Directness toward audience Genuine sincerity Communicative ability with audience 12
13 Effect Interesting Understandable Engaging Hold audience attention 13
14 References Ricketts, C. (1997). Leadership: Personal development and career success. Albany, NY: Delmar.