Casey Henderson & Andrew Aurigema
Although some economic strategies changed throughout the years , there was an upheaval of Social and Political Change throughout the colonies.
The first Continental Congress was held in 1774 in Philadelphia. Its was held by representatives from all colonies (except Georgia) to discuss the Colonies response to the British “Intolerable Acts.” This was important because the Continental Congress was one of the very first forms of American Representation as opposed to complete British rule.
The Declaration of Independence was put forth by American representatives in order to break economic and political ties with Britain.
The war against Britain brought about new leadership in the colonies in terms of actual government. General George Washington’s leadership was recognized in the war, thus propelling him to be the first president.
The Articles of Confederation was the United State’s first constitution, it was unsuccessful due to the lack of power allowed toward the central government.
The Federalists and Anti- Federalists were 2 early political parties in the Colonies. The federalists believed in a strong national government while the anti federalists believed in a small limited government.
The United States Constitution was written in 1787, however, it did not take full effect until The Constitution to this day is the source of basic law in America.
Britain set up the colonies in order for economic benefits, the colonies were only used as a producer for the “mother country” that was Britain.
Throughout and after the American Revolution the Colonies had existed to contain land filled with natural resources and fertile soil, 80% of the colonists lived off the land.
The early economic flowering can be accredited to the mass amounts of slavery in America. With cheap labor and a mass amount of natural resources, America became an economic force in its early years.
The use of slaves was essential in growing cash crops which were then exported to Britain. Britain then exported textiles to Africa, and Africa exported slaves to America. This is known as triangular trade.
Tobacco provided economic flourishing throughout the colonies, residents in the Chesapeake area often used Tobacco as currency when gold as silver became scarce. It was the "staple" of the Chesapeake colonies in a broader sense than any other staple the world has known. For, in the ancient province, all the processes of government society and domestic life began and ended with tobacco.
Although 80% of the population was farmers, many colonist in the northeast worked as merchants, artisans, blacksmiths.. Etc.
Growing tension with Britain, led many colonists to pick sides, this increased the tension between the colonists. Patriots- Against Britain. Loyalists- Loyal to Britain.
After the French and Indian war the British issued many taxes without the consent of the colonists, this was a main reason for the colonists resentment against the British.
Religion was the biggest part of the colonist’s lives during the Revolution, it effected the way they thought, lived and worked.
Although they existed mostly in the home, women we’re vital in the victory over the British by products made inside the house. One of these contributions is shown through Betsy Ross’ sewing of the first American Flag.
Although education was scarce throughout the colonies, Mathematics, Reading, Writing and Singing were taught throughout the New England colonies. Children should be educated and instructed on the principles of freedom and democracy – John Adams
Throughout the years there arouse much political, economic, and social changes that helped shape American into the country it is today.
Thomas A Bailey's The American Pageant.