New Login Screen
New Windows login screen Username (jallman) Username (jallman) Password Password PONCITY PONCITY
login screen Check this box to get an “easier to view” version of your inbox Check this box to get an “easier to view” version of your inbox username username password password
All will be delivered to this folder INBOX MAILBOX All from old system will be placed in here once transferred.
Any folders you had in the old system will be under this drop down menu once transferred
CLEANING UP YOUR OLD THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE ON SCHOOL CAMPUS Mailbox Cabinet folders Frequent Contacts Personal Address Book (Last Name) Archives What will be converted:Instructions to have converted: Clean up folders names to the left Once completed, send an request to include in the your password for both the old and the new system If you have an archive or not (just put “include archive” if you have an archive)
How to get to InformationNOW from home
InformationNOW login screen Username (jallman) The first time you log in, the password is password01. It will require you to change it at the next screen.
Personnel Updates PERS Updates New Health Insurance Premium Schedules
Important Notice to All Employees Effective July 1, 2010, your payroll deduction for the employees’ contribution to the Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi will increase from the current rate of 7.25% to 9.00%. In the past, the increase has been on the employer’s side. However, the Mississippi legislature in HB 1 felt the need to increase the employees’ side due to the severe status of the budget and the potential cost to employers (taxpayers).
New Health Insurance Premium Schedules Please note that effective January 1, 2011, there will be an increase in the premium rates for employees covered under the State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan. Beginning January 1, 2011, employees enrolled in Select Coverage will be required to pay a portion of active employee premiums.
If you are a Legacy employee enrolled in the Select Coverage, there will be an increase to $20 per month. If you are a Horizon employee enrolled in the Select Coverage, there will be an increase to $38 per month. Employees enrolled in the Basic Coverage for both the Legacy and Horizon plans will continue to have their active employee premiums paid at 100% by the State.
Open Enrollment Period is October. This is the month to make changes in coverage types (i.e. from Base to Select or from Select to Base Coverage). Additional information can be found on the website: