Tessa K. Joey K. Zac M. Payton M. Sammie S. Asian Carp Tessa K. Joey K. Zac M. Payton M. Sammie S.
Asian Carp Asian carp have travelled up the Mississippi River and towards the Great Lakes, destroying the ecosystems of native species on the way. This is a grass carp, one kind of Asian carp. Grass Carp
Asian Carp have been known to jump out of the water. Jumping Carp Asian Carp have been known to jump out of the water.
Asian Carp facts Two kinds of Asian Carp, bighead carp and silver carp, can grow up to one hundred pounds and lay up to 1 million eggs. Bighead Carp
Asian Carp Facts Three species of Asian carp are illegal to transport across state lines, and it is illegal to own or transport in Michigan. Silver Carp
Asian Carp bill A bill passed in Congress says that Asian Carp could ruin the Great Lakes fishing and tourism economy, and says that the Great Lakes need to be separated from the Mississippi River.
Resolution While engineers are working on a permanent boundary, there are several electric barriers and dams in place to stop the fish. The electrical barriers are supposed to stun the fish and make them float back downstream.
Our opinion We believe that Asian carp need to be stopped from coming into the Great Lakes, and anything that can be done to keep them from damaging our economy, should be done.
Bibliography "Asian Carp in the Wabash River." Flikr. Flikr, 6 July 2010. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/37721397@N06/5136210127/in/ photolist-8PSqk2-bD2CVX-4mPazZ-cCnHJN-2ZGz2A-cCnM6j-cEFfYm-jy59xT-bq8iUd-cEFfV3-j hgWT2-cCnQuy-ekck2d-a53FTV-cCnNBJ-9pyNik-cCnLwm-7719sX-adR8d6-7Q3KhG-kg7rtr-7rfGL e-fgRCYK-9Pz87w-8UkZpd-b7K1hZ-aqswNs-aqpPTt-6Mu439-aqpQkx-bD2CVP-bD3eXH-bq7VF7-eS 3H9n-m3fUim-m3escg-85ZHeT-bZLN51-m3esSV-aqpPxP-m3esvT-6Mu3N3-9BHmHn-kXTdBV-8vJrey -9sJo7U-5p5YUk-9Pzbfo-9LDNKw-9LDPdm-9LB14a>. "Asian Carp Fact Sheet." Michigan Department of Natural Resources. State of Michigan, 2001. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. <http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/ 0,4570,7-153-10364_52261_54896-232231--,00.html>. "Chicago Area Waterways Map." Michigan Department of Natural Resources. State of Michigan, 2001. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. <http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/ 0,4570,7-153-10364_52261_54896-232231--,00.html>. Courtesy of Michigan Sea Grant "Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal." Prarie Rivers Network. Prarie Rivers Network, 5 Apr. 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <http://prairierivers.org/articles/2011/ 04/secret-report-shows/>.
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