Faculty Evaluation Tutorial
Completing Evaluations Go to the CourseEval website to log in: Often we will send you the login button and your unique login information (username and password) with your reminder s us if you have any difficulties logging in: meded-oede.ucsd.edu Tips: Leading or trailing spaces will invalidate your username and/or password. Click on Log In Button. Using the Enter key will not work. If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forget Your Password Link.
Once logged in, go to the menu bar on the top right of the screen. Place your mouse over “Surveys” and click “Available Surveys”. This will take you to the this screen.
On the right side, in the Survey List, Click on the button below “Open Survey” to access that evaluation.
When you clicked on the “Open Survey” button, a pop up window should appear. Below is an example of the pop up window for the Primary Care Clerkship. As you scroll down the screen, you will find that you may have more than one individual to assess. Click on the drop down list for Choose Individual to Assess and click on the student to assess.
If you have multiple students, please click on the SAVE INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT AND GET NEXT EVALUATION button and then continue on to your next student. If you would like to close the evaluation before completing responses for all of your students, you may click on the SAVE PROGRESS AND RETURN TO SURVEY button.
Once you have completed evaluations on all of your students, you may click on the SUBMIT button.