doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Rick Alfvin, VeriLANSlide 1 Project: IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [IMAT alpha-test-instructions.ppt] Date Submitted: [July14, 2007] Source: [Rick Alfvin] Company [VeriLAN Event Services, Inc.] Address [215 SE Morrison Street, Portland, OR 97214] Voice:[ ], Re: [] Abstract:[IMAT alpha-test-instructions.ppt] Purpose:[Instructions for IMAT alpha test.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 IEEE-SA Meeting Attendance Tool (IMAT) Alpha Test User’s Guide Clyde Camp Mike Kipness – – Slide 2Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Background IMAT (IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool) is intended to track attendance at 802 meetings for the purposes of –Obtaining credit for committee (WG) voting rights –Recording your affiliation on a TG by TG basis –IEEE legal and indemnification purposes Note that we are collecting Task Group level attendance which will be applied to WG voting rights Slide 3Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Usage Notes This Alpha test is Critical to the development process and your participation is appreciated Intended to test the general attendee navigation and recording interface with a selected group of users (chairs will have a separate interface which is not yet implemented) **NOT** intended to replace the current attendance mechanism at this time –Please continue to use the normal attendance mechanism for your official record of attendance Slide 4Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 How to use Go to URL /imat/ (Note: The closing / is necessary) The first time you come here, please create your profile for this week Thereafter, for each breakout simply login
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 1 Create Your Meeting Profile You will do this one time If you do not yet have an IEEE Web ID you may leave this line blank for now but please acquire one before the end of the week. IEEE Web Accounts are free If you do have a Web ID, please use the same address here as you used for the Web ID Submit the form and you will be returned to the IMAT home page to login using the /password you created here
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 2 - Log In You will do this for each breakout you attend Enter the address and password you provided when you built your profile for the meeting
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 2a – Web ID Reminder If you do not have a WEB ID, you will be reminded that you will need to get one in order for attendance to be applied to your voting rights This can be done at any time during the meeting For now you may click Submit to bypass this screen and get your WEB ID later.
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 3 Select Your Working Group Select the WG you are involved in If you are involved in multiple WGs, you will have to do this for each For this Alpha Test, only WG and are involved
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 4 Register your Attendance You will do this once for each breakout you attend Only the Day/Time-slot currently in effect will be enabled You may only register for one breakout per timeslot Press Update when selection is complete
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Step 4a Oops – I made a mistake When you Update your selection, further changes for the time-slot are locked out. If you made a mistake, or want to change your mind, press Reset to return to the previous screen.
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Summary 1.(One Time) –Go to –Complete the Profile with your address and password –Get an IEEE WEB ID if you do not already have one 2.(For each Breakout) –Go to –Login using the address and password you used in step 1 –Select a WG –Select a breakout & Update the screen Slide 12Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Feedback Send feedback on both suggestions and problems to both –Clyde Camp – –Mike Kipness – They both will be in SF all week – if you have a problem, send them an or call Clyde at (or Room 655) Slide 13Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN
doc.: IEEE /0773r1 Submission July 2007 Finally - Thank you again for your participation in this Alpha Test. Sign up for as many breakouts as you wish throughout the week The system is still being developed and the screens you see may differ slightly from what is presented here Nothing you put in here will be used for your official credit so don’t forget to register your attendance for real as you have always done Slide 14Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN