Classroom Google, Class Binder Specifics, and Password Paper
Sign into classroom google: How to join Mrs. Sheplor’s class: Click + in the upper right-hand corner. Select “join class.” Enter the code on the whiteboard that is written by the class period you are in. Click “join.” The class stream opens and you are able to view assignments for this class. For your information: Underneath announcements is a link to access my class website.
Binder Tabs: Organization of classroom binder: 1 st tab: Labeled “Class info.” This section will include your signed syllabus, syllabus scavenger hunt notes, and Password Paper. 2 nd tab: Labeled “Warm-ups.” This section will be where you keep your grammar packets, grammar warm-ups until I collect them, and any notes on grammar. 3 rd tab: Labeled “Vocabulary.” This section is where you will keep your vocabulary. 4th tab: Labeled “Literature Notes.” This section will be where you keep any notes that we take in class on literary topics. 5 th tab: Labeled “Writing Activities.” This section will be where you write drafts for assignments, thinking maps, etc. NOTE: These items will be collected on a regular basis. 6 th tab: Labeled “Graded Work.” This section will be where you keep the graded work I pass back, in case an issue arrives with whether or not you completed an assignments. Mistakes happen. I am human. I sometimes make mistakes. However, you MUST save your graded work in order to prove you are missing a grade for a particular assignment. No exceptions! NOTE: Everything in binder is fair game for a binder quiz!
Binder Quiz Example:
Password Paper In your class binder, you will have a piece of paper that has all of the passwords necessary for this class stored in the “Class Info” section of your binder. This way, you will not forget or lose your passwords. We will add to it as we go along.
“My Passwords” Please take out a piece of paper and title it “My Passwords.” 1)Chrome book login: Your first password should be your user name and password to log onto your Chrome book. 2) Your school Your nine-digit Your password. 3) Turn It In: -Go to -Create Account -Create a new account “student” -Class ID: Period 1: Enrollment Password: Period1 Period 3: Enrollment Password: Period3 Period 4: Enrollment Password: Period4 Period 5: Enrollment Password: Period5 Period 6: Enrollment Password: Period6 -Complete the info