THE SERVICE MANAGER Prepared By : Dilip Sheladiya(08it051) : Ramesh Bamrotiya(09it043) : Jagdish Rathod(09it051) Guided By : Prof. Chintan Sidhapara. Group ID :
DATA DICTIONARY Login Detail Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription User_namenvarchar(50)Not null Employee’s user name for login Passwordnvarchar(50)Not nullEmployee’s password for login
CONT…… Add_User Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription User_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define user’s uniqe id [First name]char(20)Not nullUser’s firstr name [last anme]char(10)Not nullUser’s last name Genderchar(10)Not nullUser’s gender Birth_datedatetimeNot nullUser’s birthdate Phone_nointNot nullUser’s phoneno _idnvarchar(50)Not nullUser’s id Citychar(20)Not nullUser’s city
CONT…… Employee Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Employee_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define employee’s uniqe id Employee_namenvarchar(50)Not nullEmployee’s name Addressnvarchar(50)Not null Employee’s Address Phone_nointNot null Employee’s phone no [Date of join]datetimeNot null Employee’s date of join Departmentnvarchar(50)Not null Employee’s department nvarchar(50)Not nullEmployee’s
Party Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Party_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define party’s uniqe id Party_namenvarchar(50)Not null It define party’s name Addressnvarchar(50)Not null It define party’s address Citynvarchar(50)Not null It define party’s city Phone nointNot null It define party’s phone no [No of items]intNot null It define no of item’s idnvarchar(50)Not nullIt define party’s id
Product Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Product_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define product id Product_namenvarchar(50)Not null It define product name Product_typenvarchar(50)Not null It define product type [manufacture date] datetimeNot null It define product manufacture date [Expire date]datetimeNot null It define product expire date pricenvarchar(50)Not nullIt define product price
Bill Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Bill_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define bill id Party_idintNot nullIt define party id Bill_nonvarchar(50)Not nullIt define bill no DatedatetimeNot nullIt define bill date [Bill start date]datetimeNot null It define bill start date [Bill expire date]datetimeNot null It define bill expire date [No of items]nvarchar(50)Not null It define no of items [Net amount]nvarchar(50)Not nullIt define net amount
CONT…… Call_Status Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Party_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define party id Bill_idintNot nullIt define bill id [Service type]nvarchar(50)Not null It define service type [Service date]datetimeNot nullIt define service date
CONT…… Service Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Service_idint Primary Key,Not Null It’s define service’s uniqe id Bill_idintNot nullIt’s define bill id Party_idintNot null It’s define party’s uniqe id Service typenvarchar(50)Not null It’s define service type Employee_idintNot nullIt’s define employee’s uniqe id
CONT…… Status Column NameData TypeConstraintDescription Status_idint Primary Key,Not Null It define status id Bill_idintNot nullIt define bill id Statusnvarchar(50)Not nullIt define status
FORM…. Login Form:
Add User Form……
Employee Form…..
Party Form….
Product Form….
Bill Form….
Call Status Form….
Service Form….
Status Form….
Class Diagram…..
ER Diagram…..