Setting up Wordpress Directions Creating an account Lost your password? Finding your dashboard Choosing background theme Adding a new page Setting the homepage Adding Images Troubleshooting – page is a Draft only Troubleshooting – you only see html
Log into click the get started
Fill in 1. address 2. username 3. password 4. blog address 5. click Create blog
CHECK YOUR Wordpress will send you an Replying to this ACTIVATES you account
1. Go to wordpress login pagewordpress login page 2. Bookmark the login page
Go to Log into your Wordpress Account If you ever forget your password Click Lost your password? Wordpress sends a reset
Click the gray and white avatar place holder
Click on first link (your wordpress dashboard link)
This is your dashboard On the following slides you will set up: appearances and pages Remember to always click publish after making changes
Go to Appearance < themes
1. In search bar type CORALINE as theme 2. click Activate
1.In the left column select Pages < 2.Add New
1. Title the Completed Projects 2. Click Publish Completed Projects
1. Settings 2. Reading Completed Projects 4. Next to Front page choose Completed Projects 3. Check static page
To add images 1. Add Media 2. Upload Files tab 3. Select Files 4. Insert into Page
To place image on page from media library 1. Click on the picture or make sure the check mark is active (blue) 2. click insert into page
Save Draft only (no Publish button) 1. click Edit next to Status: Draft 2. choose Public from dropdown 3. Select All Pages 4. Quick Edit under the page 5. Status: change to Published Troubleshooting
If your page is in html, click the Visual button Troubleshooting