doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: KMP Transport Joint Date Submitted: July 19, 2012 Source: Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Address 1000 Bent Creek Blvd, MechanicsBurg, PA, USA Voice:+1 (248) , Re: Key Managementn over 4e Multipurpose Frames Abstract:Key Management Support for 15.4 and 15.7 Purpose:Facilitate discussion with security taskgroup Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 2 Key Management Support for 15.4 and 15.7 Robert Moskowitz San Diego, CA July 19, 2012
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 3 Abstract To provide for a Key Management Protocol Transport for and.7 KMP agnostic Support: HIP, IKEv2, 802.1X, PANA,... Provide recommended functionality for KMPs Use Information Elements where possible
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 4 A Little Background does not support different classes of data payloads – All is left to the 'upper layer' – For example cannot support Zigbee 1.0 and 2.0 within the same PAN MPDU is 127 pre 4g – And even 4g devices MAY use a small MPDU These MAC constraints REQUIRE a unique approach for KMP support
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 5 Some other Constraints devices MAY be very small – CPU, Memory, Power – Light switches, stress sensors, thermometers, smoke detectors has no LLC – Removed from with sundown is basically a cookie-cutter of 15.4 with visible light PHYs
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 6 KMP Transport Provide an alternative path from general datagrams for KMP transport between devices – Use Information Element for traffic selector (4e capable devices) Provide fragmentation of large KMP payloads over smaller MPDUs – Simple chaining of fragments with Forced ACK
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 7 KMP Transport Simple state machine – Machine supports Sending and receiving KMP payloads in datagrams Fragmentation management – Forced in order deliver
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide Specifics 15.4 MAC and IE formats
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide Specifics Use 15.4e Information Elements – Use data payload IEs (not header IEs) Larger payload length – Header IEs limited to 127 bytes – Need IE type assignment MLME Nested limited to 255 bytes Only 5 values available
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 10 KMP Information Element Frame format – MAC specific content ID = 0xa Length – Control Field – 1 byte – KMP fragment
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 11 KMP Information Element Octets: 1Octets: Bits: 17 Chaining flag 0 = last/only one 1 = yes, chaining First packet: Multipurpose ID Other packets: Chain count Multipurpose ID: = KMP Chaining count: = 2 nd fragment 3 = 3 rd fragment … 96 = 96 th fragment (last possible) KMP Fragment
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 12 KMP Transport IE for KMP – uses data payload IE with max size of 2047 – uses COMMAND frame IE with max payload of 255 per IE
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 13 KMP Transport Fragmentation support – Outbound KMP payload divided to fit MPDU Fragment sent with Forced ACK Resend if no ACK returned – ACK may have been lost – MAX retries = ? Next fragment on ACK receipt
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 14 KMP Transport Fragmentation support – Inbound Assemble payload from frame received and send ACK if indicated – Could be a duplicate fragment » ACK lost Deliver payload to KMP on completion
doc.: IEEE KMP-Transport-Joint Submission July 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Slide 15 Open Discussion