Timeline, Preparation & Implementation


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Presentation transcript:

Timeline, Preparation & Implementation ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Timeline, Preparation & Implementation Welcome & Introduction An overview of the WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs assessment will be provided, with a focus on the new online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test. We’ll talk about what you need to know to prepare for and implement the new assessment from a test coordinator’s perspective. Given your role as a DTC, a high-level view of the test and management of the online system will be provided. If you have questions, please write them on a sticky note or index card and keep them at your table and I’ll answer them later. If you have a question that is not answered during this time, feel free to write it on a sticky note and place it in one of the ‘Parking Lot’ posters. At the end of this session you’ll have some time to plan. During that time I’ll come by your tables to answer questions. If there’s something I cannot answer now, I’ll find the answer for you and get back to you. District Test Coordinators’ Training Fall 2015

ELP Assessment Requirement Students in grades Kindergarten through 12 who have been formally identified as English language learners (ELLs) or limited English proficient (LEP) students must be assessed annually to monitor their progress in acquiring academic English. Once a student is identified as an LEP student, that student is required to be assessed on the ELP assessment each year until the student meets the exit criteria, even if the parents have refused Title III or other language support services for the student. 4 AAC 34.055 Regulation: 4 AAC English Language Learners (ELLs), including immigrant students and ELLs with disabilities, are required to participate in all state or federally required language and academic content assessments as prescribed in Title III of the No Child Left Behind ACT of 2001 and state statute. Once a student is identified as an LEP student, that student is required to be assessed on the ELP assessment every year until the student meets the criteria set for proficiency, even if the parents have refused Title III or other language supports services for their child. WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs is: Alaska’s English language proficiency assessment provided by the WIDA Consortium For students in grades K - 12 who have been identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) Used to assess LEP students’ English language proficiency and progress in learning English online or paper-based test.

Objectives Objectives Training & Resources Test Preparation Timeline Test Coordinator Roles ACCESS For ELLs 2.0 Test Preparation Training & Resources Objectives We’ll begin with a basic timeline then dive into a brief overview of what the ACCESs for ELLs assessment is and how it will be changing from a paper-based test to an online test. We’ll cover: ACCESS 2.0 online and paper-based test features (focus on ACCESS 2.0 online) How to prepare for the online assessment and Required training and other available resources

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Timeline September WIDA Shares: WIDA AMS AMS guide Training Modules October Identify Roles Communication WIDA Webinars November-January Preparation Logistics Training February & March 2016 Test Window This slide shows a very broad timeline of the ACCESS 2.0. Your role as a Test Coordinator will be to keep up with major timelines and tasks and to communicate regularly with Lead and Site Coordinators to ensure that the assessment is implemented successfully. September WIDA has released the WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) and Training modules on their website. October you’ll need to identify roles and responsibilities for ELP Lead Coordinators, Technology Coordinators, Site Coordinators, & Test Administrators and set up a regular system of communication with your team. November – January Prepare for testing – monitor and communicate with your ELP Lead Coordinators and Technology Coordinators/Directors Monitor and ensure that testing personnel complete all required testing Ensure that students will have multiple opportunities to practice using the system. Feb 1 – March 31, 2016 Test Window

District Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities

Test Coordinators’ Roles & Responsibilities Manage staff roles and responsibilities Develop and implement a comprehensive training plan Develop a schedule for test implementation Monitor and support test preparations Monitor and support test administration Troubleshoot issues as they arise Your major responsibilities include the following activities: Manage staff roles and responsibilities Develop and implement a comprehensive training plan Develop a schedule for test implementation Monitor and support test preparations Monitor and support test administration Troubleshoot issues as they arise WIDA has posted a Test Coordinator checklist under “ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Preparation Resources” that contains details on dates and tasks required to implement the new tests successfully. There are also checklists Test Administrators and Technology Coordinators. https://www.wida.us/assessment/access20-prep.aspx You should print and familiarize yourself with these checklists so that you know what your responsibilities are and what you should be communicating to other lead an site coordinators. Having a solid plan for regular communication will be crucial to this process.

Other Coordinators’ Roles & Responsibilities Test Coordinator Manage staff roles and responsibilities; develop a training plan for schools, schedule for testing, monitor and support test preparation, facilitate communications, Troubleshoot issues. Test Administrator Set up student testing sessions and manage sessions, complete student uploads and accommodations, complete training, communicate with Test Coordinator. TCs will configure, install, manage, and troubleshoot DRC INSIGHT. Technology Coordinators (TCs) are responsible for: Setting up and managing online testing, Ensuring their systems work effectively and securely TAs are responsible for: Completing online training Setting up and managing test sessions, Completing student information uploads and Setting up accommodations Communicating with the Lead or Test Coordinator Technology Coordinator Manage teacher, student and roster data in WIDA AMS, set up network and testing devices, troubleshoot technology issues, complete required training.

ACCESS for ELLs Overview

ACCESS for ELLs Overview ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 System ACCESS 2.0 Paper-Based Regular ACCESS Gr: 1 - 12 Alternate ACCESS Kindergarten ACCESS ACCESS 2.0 Online Gr: 1-12 Online Screener 2016 ACCESS for ELLs Overview English Language Proficiency Assessments This graphic shows WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Next Generation English Language Proficiency Assessment System. The whole ‘suite’ or ‘system’ is referred to as ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. The general assessment for grades 1 – 12 are the Paper-based ACCESS and the online ACCESS. ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper-based test: will reflect many of the same items that are found in the online test. However, the paper-based test will be available in 2 fixed forms that will alternate annually. They will not contain new or regenerated items as the online ACCESS will be. Consider the long term use of the paper-based test in terms of test reliability. ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online test: items will be refreshed annually and provide many new features and supports not previously delivered with the paper-based test. We’ll talk more about that shortly. Alternate ACCESS for ELLs™ - is an assessment of ELP for students in grades 1 -12 who are classified as English language learners (ELLs) and have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent their meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs® assessment. The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is a paper-based test that has not changed. There are no current plans to change that to an online test. Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs: this test will continue to be a paper-based kit. There are currently no plans to alter or update the test at this time. Online Screener: WIDA will release a new online LEP identification screener in the spring of 2016. It will not be available this fall so districts will need to continue to use the W-APT or the MODEL to identify LEP students this first year of the ACCESS 2.0 online test. Reminder: do not use ACCESS spring test for identification of LEP students.

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Overview ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Overview Test Window: annually February and March Based on the WIDA ELD Standards Four Domains: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking Six Proficiency Levels: 1-Entering, 2-Emerging, 3-Developing, 4-Expanding, 5-Bridging, & 6-Reaching Based on grade-level clusters Note: This test differs from content area tests in that it does not measure the student’s knowledge of academics, but measures the level of skill or English proficiency the student uses for academic, and social and instructional situations. Test window: The ELP test window will continue to be Feb. 1 – March 31 ELD Standards: All test items are based on the Alaska’s (WIDA’s) ELD Standards. Four domains of the test are Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Six proficiency levels and scoring based on those levels will remain the same. For Alaska, the proficiency level for exiting LEP status is an overall score of 5.0 AND a minimum PL of 4.0 for each domain. Grade level clusters: All ACCESS for ELLs tests are also based on grade-level clusters. Be aware that the grade level clusters for the online ACCESS are different from the paper-based test. We’ll talk more on that shortly.

ACCESS for ELLs Overview ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Test Integrated audio and visual prompts on the computer screen Student responses captured electronically via audio-recording, keyed-in or constructed responses. Modeling of expected responses via textual, visual, and audio supports Incorporation of handwritten responses for students new to computers for the writing domain Flexible test administration (multi-grade and tier testing) Student access to practice items The online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 provides some new and improved features such as: Enhanced student engagement through integrated audio and visual prompts on the computer screen. Modeling is provided for some items to show students how to respond to test items. The writing domain can be administered using paper or online. More on that later. Easier test administration: all grades and tiers can be tested simultaneously. Tests are scored at a centralized location by trained scorers so reliability for test results is higher. Students can access practice items to see what the content will be like. Students can practice using the online system to become familiar with the format and tools embedded within the test platform. You’ll have a chance to see some of these features in upcoming slides.

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grade Level Clusters ACCESS for ELLs Overview ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grade Level Clusters Tests are divided into five grade-level clusters One major difference between the Paper-based test and the online test, is the division of grade level clusters. The online test is for grades 1 – 12. The Kindergarten test will remain a paper-based kit. online

Modes of Assessment Modes of Assessment

Modes of Assessment Testing Mode Description Modes of Assessment School Testing Online (ACCESS 2.0) All students testing online unless special format Some students testing on paper (Regular ACCESS + 2.0) Accommodations or insufficient technology School testing on paper (Regular ACCESS) No students are testing online There are several modes of assessment that districts can use for testing (read slide). EED would like to encourage districts and schools to test online. We expect that most students will be able to test online but there may be a few sites where the technology demands would not allow for this. If a school wishes to test a group of students using the Paper-based ACCESS they may do so, but should submit a ‘Notice of Intent’ to EED to inform them of the decision. (see next slide) The paper-based ACCESS is also available as an accommodation.

Paper-Based ACCESS for ELLs Notice of Intent Paper-Based ACCESS for ELLs Testing LEP Students Using Paper-based ACCESS If a school wishes to use the paper-based ACCESS due to technology difficulties, the site coordinator must submit this form to EED to inform them of the decision. The form must be signed by the DTC so that they DTC is aware of the decision to test using the paper form. This form is by school, not by district and generally refers to a small group of students unable to test due to technology issues. The school site coordinator will need to provide specific information on how many students at each grade level will be tested using the paper-based test. We would encourage schools to test online as much as possible given that the ELP assessment is now considered an online test. Submit to EED by Oct. 26

This is what the format of the test looks like for the ACCESS online and paper-based tests. Online test: listening and reading are administered first. The system is adaptive and determines where to place the student for writing and Speaking. L/R/W can be given concurrently to multi-grades and tiers. The Speaking test can be delivered in small groups across proficiency levels and grades. Since students speak into a headset it’s important to be in a location that allows student responses to be secure and that will not disturb others. Paper-based test: listening, reading, and writing are also group administered, but must be divided by cluster and tier. The Speaking test is a one-on-one test administration in a separate location and must be scored by the TA.

Delivery, Structure, & Features Now we will focus on the delivery, structure and features of the ACCESS online test. This will be a high-level view so if you want more information or details on the test, you can go to the WIDA website. Delivery, Structure, & Features

INSIGHT Online Learning System Test Delivery INSIGHT Online Learning System INSIGHT delivers the secure ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online assessment. Students interact with the system using a computer or other approved device. The Data Recognition Corporation, (DRC) INSIGHT Online Learning System, is an online testing system that successfully delivers secure statewide assessments. The Learning System provides: • Student Directions and Practice Items to simulate online testing and allow students to practice using the testing interface’s online tools. •Video tutorials.

Reading & Listening Items Test Structure & Features Instructions: Text, Audio, Graphic Support Text for Questions Speaker Text for Reading Audio & Text The Reading and Listening domains are administered first and determine where the student will be placed for Writing and Speaking. It’s block adaptive meaning a series of questions determine the next set of items. For the Reading items the student reads the instructions and passage. There is also text for the questions options. The student clicks on the circle for the correct answer. For Listening there is a speaker that tells a story along with graphic support. The audio is pre-recorded human voice with age/gender appropriate pictures and voices. The student uses headphones to listen to the story. The answer options are also presented via audio and the student clicks on the circle for the answer he/she wants.

Test Structure & Features Speaking Items Instructions: Text, & Audio, with Graphic Support Model Virtual TA Headsets with microphones are needed for this section of the test. WIDA has a list of recommended types on their website. A virtual TA automatically speaks to the student and asks a question or provides a prompt. The task prompt is text and audio. A student models the expected type of response (audio only – not text) and a graphic usually accompanies the text for support. The student response is generated using the microphone and recorded for central scoring. Theme Graphic

Test Structure & Features Writing Items Instructions: Text, Audio, Graphic Support Models response The Reading and Listening sections determine where the student will be placed for Writing and Speaking. Text and audio are provided for the test item. A graphic models the type of student response expected. A Student can respond by using a keyboard or paper. A text stimulus is provided for Writing along with the student auditory prompt.

Test Structure & Features Writing Administration Grades Prompt Presentation Scripting Student Response 1-3 Local tier placement Paper test booklet Live TA 4-5 CBA tier placement Onscreen Virtual & live TA DEFAULT: Keyboard or set to paper Because many students have not yet developed writing skills using a keyboard, the Writing domain responses can be captured via paper or keyboarding. Grades 1 – 3, the student takes the entire Writing domain using a test booklet. The student reads the text and writes directly into the test booklet. If a scribe is needed, they can read the prompt. Grades 4 – 5 are defaulted as a keyboarded response. However, that can be changed in the testing system if the student needs to write responses in a test booklet. i.e., you can preset the default to a paper test response. Grades 6 – 12 are keyboarding responses directly into the computer by default. Students can also respond by writing in a test booklet as an accommodation. The prompt is provided on the computer screen. 6-12 CBA tier placement Onscreen Virtual & live TA DEFAULT: Keyboard response

Test Preparation – WIDA AMS Test Preparation WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) WIDA AMS WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) INSIGHT Test Engine DRC ,the new vendor for the WIDA Consortium, will manage all of the ACCESS for ELLs assessments: Kindergarten, Alternate ACCESS, Paper-based and online ACCESS 2.0. WIDA AMS: DRC manages and provides support for the new WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS). The WIDA AMS is a one-stop resource for preparing and implementing the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment. INSIGHT: the test engine, or platform used to provide the test. TSM: web-based application that provides caching: Test Content Caching Student Response Caching TSM

DRC INSIGHT Online Learning System WIDA AMS & INSIGHT DRC INSIGHT Online Learning System INSIGHT is located within the WIDA Assessment Management System INSIGHT is downloaded to student testing devices from the WIDA AMS DRC INSIGHT: Accessed from the WIDA AMS, delivers the assessment and related resources online for all grade levels. It consists of a software interface that is available from a secure web browser. The Testing Site Manager, or TSM, within INSIGHT helps manage network traffic, maintain connectivity, and handle bandwidth issues. The TSM is downloaded onto computers before INSIGHT.

INSIGHT Testing Site Manager (TSM) WIDA AMS & TSM INSIGHT Testing Site Manager (TSM) Technology Coordinators will be able to download and install the INSIGHT Testing Site Manager as well as INSIGHT test engine from the WIDA AMS. The DRC INSIGHT Testing Site Manager (TSM) provides content and response caching, and a software toolbox to help plan, configure, and manage online testing. The TSM is required for WIDA testing and must be downloaded before INSIGHT. At test time, the TSM content caching software sends its cached test items to the testing devices. During testing, if the test computers cannot communicate with the DRC INSIGHT server, the response caching software buffers and stores test responses. When the response caching software is communicating with DRC, it sends test responses to the DRC INSIGHT server every fifteen minutes. Even if DRC is not currently communicating with the testing computers, the test responses are still being stored on the TSM for transmission to DRC, so no responses are lost. For more information, see the Technology User Guide.

WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) WIDA AMS for Test Coordinators WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) Test Coordinators can: Assign permissions View documents View Status reports Manage accounts Activate/Inactivate accounts Order Test materials The WIDA AMS Guides, Parts 1 & 2, provides everything you need to know about using the system. The guide can be found on the WIDA website, within the secure portal. The guide provides details on the WIDA Assessment Management System (or WIDA AMS), so that users can perform the necessary administrative functions for testing with DRC INSIGHT. The WIDA AMS is used by educators with the following roles: Test Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, and Test Administrator. The primary audience for this guide are WIDA AMS end users and administrators. Test Coordinators can: Assign permissions View documents View Status reports Manage accounts Activate/Inactivate accounts Order Test materials Let’s take a look inside the system to see how it operates and what tasks can be done to prepare for testing.

WIDA AMS – General Information We’ll walk through the menu on the left side of the screen and provide an overview of each tab. In the General Information menu you have four options: Review announcements Display Web Browser requirements (Windows, Mac (OS X) and Linux. Display the Security agreement and View training materials Note: this is not where online training for test administrators is found. You must go to the WIDA website, secure portal to complete the training.

• Edit permissions for one or more users • Reset a user’s password WIDA AMS – Manage Users • Edit a user’s contact information • Edit permissions for one or more users • Reset a user’s password • Inactivate a user • Activate a user • Add a single user to the system • Upload multiple users to the system Edit your contact information Reset our password Under the “Manager Users” tab you can Edit your contact information and Edit permissions for users Generally, only Test Coordinators or Technology Coordinators have permission to access the User administration portion of the WIDA AMS. This section of the user guide discusses the various user administration tasks you can perform from the Manage Users menu: • Edit a user’s contact information • Edit permissions for one or more users • Reset a user’s password • Inactivate a user • Activate a user • Add a single user to the system • Upload multiple users to the system Activate/Inactivate Users Add Users Upload multiple Users

User Administration - Setting Permissions WIDA AMS – Manage Users User Administration - Setting Permissions Technology Coordinators’ set of Permissions: View Documents Training Materials Add/Edit User Accounts View downloads/Tutorials Access Device School Site Coordinators’ Set of Permissions: View Documents Training Materials Add/Edit User Accounts Order Materials Set Up Test Sessions Print Test Tickets Test Administrators’ Set of Permissions: View Documents Training Materials Print Test Tickets View Student Status Test Coordinators can set permissions for: Technology Coordinators Site Coordinators Test Administrators To assign a Permission Set to the user, click the Permission-set drop‑down menu and select the Permission Set that displays for the user role you are creating. You can also edit permissions individually or by multiple users. Technology Coordinators/Directors can view documents, access training materials, add/edit user accounts, view downloads and access devices. Site Coordinators can also view documents and training materials, edit users, order materials, set up test sessions and print test tickets. Test Administrators can view documents and training materials, print test tickets and view student testing status. The permissions included in the set are highlighted in the Available Permissions window. For more information about the permissions, the “WIDA AMS Permissions Matrix” in the WIDA AMS User Guide, Part 1. Note: You can add permissions that are not included in the Permissions Set. You can assign any permission that is assigned to you. Important: Review the permissions in the Permission Set before assigning them. If you decide to withhold one or more permissions, you can still use the Permission Set. Remember to move any permissions that you want to withhold back to Available Permissions status by using the Remove Selected ( ) arrow before you click Save.

WIDA AMS – Test Materials Materials Ordering WIDA AMS – Test Materials Materials ordering must be completed separately for each school Select by: Administration District & School Materials Ordering is the process by which districts and schools order materials for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Test Coordinators will have access to Materials Ordering because they are responsible for this process. The Test Coordinator must complete this process even if the site is performing all testing online. DRC will contact you via email to remind you of the opening and closing dates for ordering materials. From the Order Materials tab, select a testing mode from the Select the most accurate testing mode for this school drop‑down menu. The options and descriptions are shown below. All students testing online except by custom format (large print and Braille) gr. 1-12 Some students are testing with paper gr. 1-12 (accommodated tests and lack of technological ability) All student are testing on paper gr. 1-12. This does not include paper accommodation forms. If all students will test online except those using paper accommodation forms, you may mark “The school is testing grades 1–12 online.”

Status Report of Ordering Materials WIDA AMS – Materials Report Status Report of ordering materials: Not Started In Progress Complete The Status report tab will show the progress for the assessment, district, and school you selected: Not Started In Progress Complete You can export to Excel.

Sample Items for Students WIDA AMS – For Students WIDA AMS – Test Resources Test Demo for Students Ensure students have ample opportunity to practice with the system and review sample items The Test Resources tab includes: Test demos for students to explain how to take the online test and interact with the test platform. The Test Demo videos are designed to be viewed by students before taking the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test. The videos use graphics, motion and sound to walk the students through a series of animated test directions and help them become familiar with the test. Sample Items display sample test items that show the type of test content that students will encounter using the online test. It is part of your responsibility to ensure that students have ample opportunity to view the test demos and sample items so that students are adequately prepared for the test. Note: These sample items are accessible to the general public. Sample Items for Students

WIDA AMS – Test Setup Download Software Manage Student Information View & Edit Test Sessions For Test Coordinators and Technology Coordinators: From the Test Setup menu, users can: Technology Downloads & Device Toolkit: download software and information Manage students: search for and edit student information Student Test Progress: view student test progress Test Sessions: view and edit test sessions Monitor Student Test Progress

Training & Resources Training & Resources

Required Training Required Training Role Grades 1-12 Online Grades 1-12 Paper-Based Kindergarten Alternate Access for ELLs Test Coordinator Checklist, Web-based Training N/A Test Administrator Checklist, Web-based Training Checklist, Web-based Training, Speaking Quiz Checklist, Web-based Training, Kindergarten Quiz Checklist, Web-based Training, Alternate ACCESS Quiz All training is completed online at WIDA’s website: www.wida.us Test Coordinators: Set up user accounts for training and testing as well as complete all training and verify that other educators have completed the required training to perform their respective roles. Test Administrators: Complete all relevant training, including web-based modules, checklists and quizzes, as well as read applicable Test Administration Manuals prior to administering the test to students. Technology Coordinators: Prepare technical systems for online testing after completing the training checklist and web-based modules. Coordinator guidance for Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS is covered in their respective Test Administration Manuals and in the Test Coordinator training for the other grades 1-12 tests. For 2015–16, Test Coordinators and Test Administrators must complete all trainings related to their role(s) and the test(s) they will administer. Previously trained educators should take all pertinent sections of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 training. Past certifications on ACCESS for ELLs for grades 1–12 are no longer valid for either the paper test (significantly changed) or the online test (all new) in 2015–16. Some aspects of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 training require certification by completing a quiz with a passing rate of 80% or higher, whereas others require completion of an electronic checklist of training tasks. The detailed training requirements (readings, tasks, and/or media-based materials) for each assessment and role are listed in these training checklists at http://www.wida.us. The table below offers a brief summary of requirements. Once TAs or TCs have submitted a completed online training checklist or certification quiz, their training certificates within the WIDA website portal will be updated as a record of completion. Technology Coordinator Checklist, Web-based Modules N/A http://www.wida.us

Location of Trainings Training Resources Role WIDA AMS WIDA Website Test Coordinator www.wida-ams.us www.wida.us Online and p-b test training materials and manuals, checklists, web-based modules Test Administrator www.wida-ams.us www.wida.us Online and p-b test training materials and manuals, checklists, web-based modules Deadlines for training Test Coordinators or Test Administrators do not have to complete training by a specific date, but they must complete training prior to test administration. EED strongly recommends that educators follow the recommended timelines in the role-based checklists to ensure that they complete activities at the necessary times. EED recommends that Test Coordinators complete training early in the school year as they are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the testing process, including test ordering, which typically occurs 6-10 weeks in advance of the testing window. Technology Coordinator Checklists, webinars, & web-based modules

Preparation Resources Training Resources Update Newsletters Preparation Resources For updates and preparation resources such as checklists, webinars, and documents go to this site. Click on the ‘Updates’ tab for the most recent updates and changes https://www.wida.us/assessment/ACCESS20.aspx

Training Resources Scroll down to see a list of all the upcoming events, documents, and resources that WIDA will be providing. This list will be invaluable to you and will keep you abreast of what’s happening with the assessment. You can look up and print by roles: Test Coordinator, Test Administrator, Tech Coordinator or All. Register for: October 7 or 9 for Technology Coordinator Overview webinar

Alaska Contacts – WIDA Page There is also an Alaska specific page at WIDA’s website. Click on the map and then on the Alaska map for a list of important testing dates, contacts, and Alaska specific information.

WIDA Secure Portal WIDA Secure Portal WIDA’s Secure Portal WIDA Secure Portal You must log in to access these resources All training is online and accessed through the WIDA secure portal. You must log in first, then click on the brown tab at the top of the page.

Important Dates & Deadlines Important Dates & Deadlines 9/30/2015 Release of WIDA AMS & Guide, Parts I & 2 9/23/2015 Test Coordinator Webinar 10/5/2015 Release of Tech. User Guide, INSIGHT, TSM 10/7/2015 Technology Coordinator Webinar 10/5 – 11/7/2015 Download and install WIDA AMS 11/2 – 25/2015 Order Test Materials Oct. – Nov. 2015 Install INSIGHT & TSM on testing devices 12/21/15 – 3/31/2016 Test Set Up 1/19/2016 Receive Test Materials (Inventory materials) 2/1/2016 TAs Complete Online Training (2 weeks before testing) 2/1 – 3/31/2016 Test Window 4/5/2016 Deadline to ship materials to DRC 5/31/2016 Districts receive reports – printed and online Important Dates & Deadlines Review important dates/deadlines

Planning Ahead Planning Ahead As the District Test Coordinator, how will you monitor training and certification in your district? How will you set up regular communications with Lead Coordinators, Site Coordinators, and Technology Coordinators/Directors? How will you ensure that students have ample opportunities to view the demo video and practice using the new system? Use this time to work with another district or on your own to plan how you will manage these important tasks. Be prepared to share one strategy that works for you.

Contacts Questions about: Training Logins and passwords for WIDA website Call WIDA: 1-866-276-7735 Email: help@wida.us WIDA AMS & Test Engine (INSIGHT) Scoring & Reporting Materials Call DRC Helpdesk: 855-787-9615 Email: WIDA@datarecognitioncorp.com ACCESS procedures Accommodations/Accessibility tools Call: Grace Gray 465-8437 Email: grace.gray@Alaska.gov Title III grant Identification of LEP students ELL Programs Call: Patricia Adkisson 465-2888 Email: patricia.Adkisson@Alaska.gov