1 Occupational Therapy in Health and Social Services The Rep Birmingham 30 January 2008
2 Transforming Community Equipment & Wheelchair Services Occupational Therapy in Health and Social Care Conference 30 January 2008 Cliff Bush OBE Chair - Surrey User Network (SUN) Member - TCEWS Steering Board The Rep, Birmingham
3 Background 'Three Sector Summit PM launches the TCEWS Programme Object: To design a collaborative model for new service delivery that puts users and carers at the heart of the service and leverages the strengths of the third and private sectors Programme carried out whole system examination of existing services Programme worked collaboratively with full range of stakeholders New conceptual retail market model published - May ’07 18 road show events in each ADASS region - July ’07 Shadow running launched in North West, Autumn ’07, Wirral Jan ’08 ‘Putting People First’ Concordant committed to CE Retail Model – Dec ‘07 Minister to be presented with report on the outcome of shadow running – Implementation plan being developed
4 Policy Objectives Enabling people to live as independently as possible Enabling people to exercise choice and control over the support they receive The promotion of high quality safe services; and Supporting equality, human rights and social inclusion Ministers have committed themselves to: Personalised social care and health services, Giving power and control to people to shape the services they need Working with commissioners, providers and regulators of services to implement policy Improving the status of services and of the workforce in health and social care Developing and sustaining a vibrant and innovative third sector; and Ensuring value for money
5 Designing the Model CSED set about designing a model that: Put community equipment users at the heart of services Improved quality of services for all users and their carers Empowered state services to focus on users with more complex conditions Maximised the skills of professionally qualified staff Was non-mandatory, but demonstrated a way of delivering personalised services, supported by either the state or self-funders Delivered on the prevention and personalisation agenda for the whole population, encouraging delivery of effective information to all
6 Stakeholder Input Stakeholder research Desk top research Visited 11 Local Authorities and their PCT Partners 7 Listening and design workshops – 266 attendees 2 Reference Groups – cross stakeholder Cross Stakeholder Steering Group – 30 Organisations On-line Questionnaire 18 TCE road show events covering all ADASS region of England - opportunity for stakeholders to express views and for CSED to answer questions – 1400 attendees
7 The Retail Market Model State bodies fund a ‘prescription’ for users/carers for free equipment Users/carers visit approved retailer or order from a catalogue Retailers can be private sector or third sector organisations but are regulated by an independent regulatory function The prescription entitles the user/carer to free equipment but can be used in conjunction with a top-up payment to upgrade to a piece of equipment that they prefer Standard information to be clear and available across England to supplement particular localised information a) State employed staff issue prescriptions, against state funds, to state funded users b) Independent Assessors deliver assessment and therapeutic services for self funders (recommended products issued by IAs) OR
8 How will the model work for state funded users? Reimbursement by the State Redemption at Retailer Prescription Needs Assessment No Change proposed Prescription rather than requisition Current warehouse/logistics element closed: Change to Retailers replace for ADL National contract for short term need No change to free provision of equipment to service to state funded users
9 Shadow Running - We Are Working With: Lead Partners Cheshire & Oldham, Health and Social Care Detailed design, test and validate Shadow running commenced on 15 th October 2007 Micro Sites Manchester, Wirral and Lancashire Design development, test and validate Shadow running commencing during November Macro Sites Rochdale, Salford, Dorset, Trafford & Sefton St Helens, Knowsley and Halton Review and verify design and support data validation Expressions of Interest 18 other councils and their health partners
10 Opportunities exist in many areas.. A thousand blossoms blooming…… Web retailing for self funders Social Enterprise or Community Interest Companies Involve existing local retailers Quality Assurance - CEDA branding Private Practices What else? Innovative ways for retailing Links with large retailers Links with third sector Partnerships
11 Reminders PM launches the TCEWS Programme – June ‘06 Programme carried out whole system examination of existing services Worked collaboratively with full range of stakeholders The national picture demonstrates the need for change The model has considered solutions for people who can’t access the retail market The model is not mandatory The model is completely aligned to the outcomes of Government policy Opportunities exist in many areas Shadow running launched in Autumn ’07 Minister to be presented with data by the end April 08 Wheelchair services work is ongoing
12 ANY QUESTIONS..? For more information contact: