9 th Workshop on European Collaboration for Higher Education and Research in Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Protection Salamanca, Spain 5-7 June 2013 Interest of the IRRMA International Conference for students and researchers from CHERNE institutions José Ródenas Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Nuclear Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
CHERNE-9 The International Topical Meeting on I ndustrial R adiation and R adioisotope M easurement A pplications is a triennial event organized with the purpose of bringing together scientists and engineers from around the world who share an interest in topics related to radiation, radioisotopes and its industrial applications. The IRRMA-9 meeting will be held in Valencia (Spain) from 7 to 11 July 2014 and it is devoted to current trends and potential future issues involving radiation and radioisotopes. IRRMA
CHERNE-9 IRRMA-5 Bologna (Italy) 2002 IRRMA-6 Hamilton (Canada) 2005 IRRMA-7 Prague (Czech Republic) 2008 IRRMA-8 Kansas City (USA) 2011 Organizers of the two last editions are CHERNE partners and the participation of members of CHERNE institutions was abundant. IRRMA past editions
CHERNE-9 Scientific sessions will include: Invited lectures by leading experts in their fields, Contributed oral papers and Poster presentations of contributed papers. Attendees will have a great opportunity to share ideas on industrial uses of radiation and radioisotopes, on research and applications not only in industrial fields, but also in Medicine, Biomedical Applications of Radiation, Art and Cultural Heritage, etc. Contents of the meeting
CHERNE-9 l Industrial applications l Radiation Technologies l Ionizing Radiation Sources l Radiation Measurement l Radiation Detection l Radiation Effects on Materials l Biomedical Applications of Radiation l Applications to Art and Cultural Heritage l Monte Carlo Methods and Models Topics (1)
CHERNE-9 l Detection of Explosives and Contraband l Quantitative Analysis Applications l Radiotracing l Radiation in Environmental Sciences l Shielding and Dosimetry l X- and γ-ray Techniques l Material Testing l New trends in Radiation Sources and Detector Development l and other topics Topics (2)
CHERNE-9 l The interest of IRRMA for CHERNE students lies in the possibility of presenting their work on any of these topics. [like other international conferences, indeed] l Not only for students, but also for researchers l The work to be presented at IRRMA can come from a Master (or PhD) Thesis developed in the framework of some collaboration between CHERNE institutions. Interest
CHERNE-9 Which is the goal of this presentation? l To encourage CHERNE partners to propose different works to their students (and researchers) l On any topic related to radiation and measurements l To be developed during next year [You have a whole year to perform the work] l Better in collaboration with other CHERNE partners l Taking the opportunity to present results at the IRRMA Conference in Valencia. Objective
CHERNE-9 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Valencia (Spain) July (in construction) Venue
CHERNE-9 Thank you for your attention Looking forward to meeting you in Valencia next year