Irish Centre for Commercial Law Studies Seminar 5 December 2002
“Ensuring Best Corporate Business Practices for Solvent Companies” Paul Appleby Director of Corporate Enforcement
Outline of Presentation Responsibilities of Company Directors Role of the ODCE Conclusion
Directors’ Responsibilities (1) The Company – a Separate Legal Person General Duties and Responsibilities Fiduciary Responsibility Transactions between Director and Company Act with Due Care, Skill and Diligence Disclosure Requirements
Directors’ Responsibilities (2) Maintaining Company Documents Register of Directors and Secretary Register of Directors’/Secretary’s interests Register of debenture holders Directors’ Service Contracts Register of Members Minute Books
Directors’ Responsibilities (3) Basic Operational Obligations Keeping proper books of account Holding the annual general meeting (AGM) Circulating to members before every AGM a signed copy of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, director's and auditor's report Holding an extraordinary general meeting when circumstances require
Directors’ Responsibilities (4) General Filing Obligations Change in constitution of company Change in registered office Change of directors/secretary Increase in Nominal/Issued Capital Annual return Mortgages and charges
Directors’ Responsibilities (5) Duty to ensure that legal requirements are complied with An officer in default is any person who authorises or permits a default Burden of proof rests with the director to show that all reasonable steps were taken
ODCE Role and Powers (1) Compliance Role Public presentations Information strategies Printed media Electronic media Engaging with professional bodies Other Initiatives
ODCE Role and Powers (2) Encouraging Reporting of Non-Compliance Auditors Liquidators Professional Bodies The General Public State Authorities
ODCE Role and Powers (3) Investigations Entitlement to access Company Documents Fact-Finding Company Investigations Criminal Investigations Powers of Search, Seizure and Arrest Power to access Bank Documents
ODCE Role and Powers (4) Detected Breaches of the Acts Seek to impose an administrative fine Seek Court Order to remedy a Default Initiate a summary prosecution Refer the case to the DPP for decision
Conclusion Company Law Review Group Simplification/Consolidation Project IAASA Bill New Directors’ Duties New Auditors’ Duties EU Legislation