1 1 Based on ISO 9000 accredited procedures Available to AAA financial members Registration completed and fee paid to AAA Must hold copy of the AAA manual and appendices
2 2 Hold current NZ CAR Part 137 Agricultural Aircraft Operator certificate Operate a Quality Assurance or Management system Demonstrate compliance to regulatory requirements Provide the required information to the appointed auditor
3 3 Scopes of accreditation: Aerial Spreadmark Growsafe – management of agrichemicals Fuel storage and handling Health and Safety management system Aerial application of Vertebrate Toxic agents Training
4 4 Auditors and audit schedule Trained auditors, auditing to food, GAP, quality systems, HACCP, MAF Bio Security and customer compliance standards Auditors come from a primary production background with experience in the application of fertilisers and liquid formulations of PPP’s Initial audit and then three yearly or less at auditors discretion based on previous audit outcomes
5 5 Performed to International GAP standards(GlobalGap, LEAF) Customer (Tesco, Sainsbury, Woolworths, Coles) requirements and standards Government standards Producer and industry sector standards
6 6 GAP Standard audits assist in Business Risk management Meeting Social responsibility (perceived or otherwise) Avoid or reduce risk of litigation - Due Diligence undertaken Customer perception of “The Brand” Regulatory and customer requirements to provide safe and compliant product and/or service Market advantage
7 7 GAP audits include Verification of compliance to regulatory requirements: Management of Agrichemicals – Growsafe Spreadmark Health and safety Training and staff competence RMA – environment Equipment calibration and maintenance
8 8 Benefits of successful GAP/AAA audit Validation of and awareness of hazards and potential risks to the business Identify, reduce and manage the risks of possible incidents involving health and safety events Identify, reduce and manage the risks involving environmental responsibilities (RMA, Environmental Code of practice) Improved staff competence and awareness of safety and compliance issues
9 9 Benefits of successful GAP/AAA audit Validation of equipment maintenance processes Validation of the business quality assurance/ management system Compliance to GAP/AAA standards improves your level of compliance to NZ Law and regulatory requirements. Verification of your compliance to Health and Safety, RMA, Growsafe, fuel storage or environmental standards.
10 Potential benefits from achieving AAA accreditation: Actual reduction in ACC fees by participating in the Primary or Secondary ACC scheme offering reductions of annual fees Possible benefits in relation to insurance cover involving Chemical Trespass, Public Liability and equipment cover Possible benefits involving Resource consent for solid fertiliser application in some Regional Council environmental zones