Develop program based on 3 components Nutrition ExercisePsychology But…..
Nutrition Guidelines for Weight Loss Calculate calorie requirements Recognize limitations Guidelines based on over or under 75lbs See handout
Minimum calorie levels: Women: no less than 1200 calories Men: No less than 1500 calories Set up food guide pyramid servings Review fat grams Teach how to be a label reader
Encourage regular eating patterns Teach healthier food preparation and recipe modification Encourage healthier restaurants
Suggestions: Do not go lower than 1200 cals for women or 1500 cals for men. – calories work best for most clients. More for morbid obesity Check beverage/alcohol intake Discourage reliance on weight loss products and supplements. Get menus and help decipher language/recipe terms Let them eat cake- no food is banned
Give practical ideas to reduce fat or eat less calories in the foods they choose How to top a potato Eating healthy without cooking Healthful snack suggestion Recipe conversions
Exercise Guidelines for Weight Loss Cardiovascular exercise 4-6 times a week at moderate to high intensity for at least 30 minutes. Strength training 2-4 times a week all major muscle groups
Increase activities of daily living: it adds up breaks or lunch hour -use stairs -park away from shops -walk with friends/family -clean more! -dance more! -garden more! Recreational Activities
Psychology and Weight Loss Encourage safe/health acceptance body image Why clients eat? Fullness vs.hunger
Use affirmations Look at connection to other areas of clients life -work -relationships -culture -family history
Other behavior/psychology tips UTE Distraction vs. confrontation Deep breathe! Slow down how fast clients eat