11/30/2015 CAE New Perspectives on Andragogy Chapter 9 In The Adult Learner CAE 213 Intro to Adult Education Professor Jonathan S Penland, PhD
11/30/2015 CAE Introduction Research in a variety of disciplines has produced new perspectives on andragogy. We will review each of the six core principles updating our understanding based on new research.
11/30/2015 CAE The Learner’s Need to Know Learners need to know “why” before they engage in learning Research has confirmed that collaborative planning is useful. It allows learners to assess their needs, suggest pragmatic learning objectives, and choose whether or not to participate is aspects of training.
11/30/2015 CAE Self-Directed Learning Is self-directed learning a characteristic, a goal of adult learning, or both? A person can be high in one and low in the other. The teacher’s job is to match style with student Trait Goal Trait Goal Trait Goal
11/30/2015 CAE Learner Style 1. DependentCoaching 2. InterestedInspiration Speaker 3. InvolvedFacilitated discussion 4. Self-directedIndividual or study group
11/30/2015 CAE Prior Experiences of the Learner Schema are cognitive data structures that build via learning and experience. Accretion – adding facts to schema Tuning – incremental change to schema Restructuring – creation of new schema Mental models – internal images (background) of how the world works
11/30/2015 CAE Schema Theory Mental Map Schema Proto- type Are we restructuring the mental map, schema, or prototype? Constructivism Pages
11/30/2015 CAE Schema Theory Changing the Mental Map Trans- formative Learning Do home stays in eco-tourism restructure the way eco-tourists view the world? A tourist’s view of people is challenged by a home stay. A tourist is more open to seeing nature in a new way.
11/30/2015 CAE Readiness to Learn Pratt’s Untested Model 3 Some prefer a group setting for support but need little direction 1 Some need lots of direction and support 4 Some prefer to be self-directed with little support 2 Some need direction but not much support support dependency Identify where learners are at when they begin and adjust to changes in their readiness to learn
11/30/2015 CAE Orientation to Learning Steps in the Experiential Learning Cycle * Concrete Experience Observe Reflect Theories: What others learned Testing New Concepts
11/30/2015 CAE Motivation Characteristics of Trainers that motivate: 1. Expertise – knows content well & communicates well 2. Empathy – realistic understanding of learner needs, adapts material to learner, continuously considers learners 3. Enthusiasm – values content, expresses appropriate levels of emotion/energy 4. Clarity – Can be understood and followed by most learners
11/30/2015 CAE Summary There is evidence for maintaining each of the core principles…which are: 1. Learner’s… 2. Self- 3. Prior- 4. Readiness 5. Orientation 6. Motivation