1 Facilitating a policy learning process on NQF: What have we learnt? Fourth ECA Education Conference Vaclav Klenha Tirana, 25 October 2007
2 ETF projects on NQF NQF in Central Asia (KAZ, KYR, TAJ, UZB) NQF in South Caucasus (ARM, AZE, GEO) NQF in Russian Federation and Ukraine NQF in Mediterranean (EGY, JOR, MAR, TUN)
3 Policy learning cycle for ETF National Qualification Framework project Central Asia New policy that fits in institutional and political context Understanding the wider issues of the classifier problem Urgent and practical problem: Classifier Application of new in-sights to re-analyze home situation Demonstration and familiarisation with practice examples
4 Interim results (in ECA) Occupational profiles and (some) qualification profiles in the pilot sector of tourism, with horizontal and vertical links at different levels (see example on next two slides taken from the Kyrgyz interim report) Drafts or ideas about a national NQF policy paper in each country Discussion ongoing about opportunities for (sub)regional cooperation at both national and pilot sector levels
7 Key issues encountered High interest and involvement of participating employers and schools, but still rather low by ministries of education and labour Shift from an education-input based Classifier to a learning-outcome based Qualifications Framework
8 Qualification Cycle Occupations Occupational profiles Educational programmes Assessment practices Qualification profiles
9 Questions NQF teams are dealing with What are the main problems experienced with identifying and formulating occupational profiles and qualification profiles? How should this work be organised in your country? Who should do it? Who should be involved? What are the challenges? From qualifications to curricula: what would be the steps to secure that qualification profiles will be translated into appropriate curricula (including assessment) and teacher roles in schools and training centres?
10 Thank you for your attention!