Introduction The following slides formed the basis of a presentation to staff and later Governors and help explain how we organised Leading Edge work across the school
The Priory School a Business and Enterprise College
A Leading Edge School 1st two years: emphasis on Gifted and Talented - getting A / A* Must work with partner schools - locally, regionally, nationally Involves research, trial and transfer of work that is at the leading edge
HOW Provide CPD at workshops Produce materials as part of a package Host visitors from Partner Schools Work in Partner Schools Carry out ‘Active Research’ Speak at Conferences Produce Case Studies on website
WHO 3 Leading Teachers English/Maths/Science Administration Support 3 Lead Practitioners (seconded posts TLR 1 in identified subjects with proven track record in A / A*) SIPs Languages / Drama / History NM (Gifted and Talented) MM (Lead) External Agencies Anyone! (innovations budget)
Lead Practitioners / Leading Teachers Brief: Carry out active research Trial approaches Evaluate success Write up Share/Transfer Areas: 1.*Practical approaches for Gifted and Talented students in the classroom at Key Stage 3 2.*Maximising potential of Gifted and Talented students at Key Stage 4 A / A* * NB: Administration support provided will be supported in taking risks!
Innovations Budget: “Risk taking to achieve Excellence” Anyone may apply individually or in teams Excellence in any area - not restricted to Gifted and Talented - could lead to our next focus Must be innovative Risk taking will be supported Bids may involve costs of time / equipment / external providers Project will need writing up and evaluating using agreed criteria
History / Languages / Drama: (will operate within innovations budget) (in their 2 nd year) Continued sharing of good practice Involvement in writing up successful strategies trialled last year Workshops for partner schools Master Classes for Gifted and Talented students locally in Languages and History