Global Studies I Mr. Seiberg
Course Description Global I is part I of a two year course that includes a regents exam at the end of 10 th grade and is requirement for graduation This course will begin with the establishing of civilizations, from the appearance of the earliest hominids (walk on 2 feet) in East Africa into the great civilizations of Greece and Rome We will then get into the period of the exchange of ideas between civilizations in Europe, Asia, and Africa Finally, we will cover the developments in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres from the age of exploration and trade and finish with the rise of absolute rulers
Quarter Grading Homework___________________________20% Journals, Current Events, Worksheets, etc. Tests, Projects, & Essays________________ 50% – Multiple Choice, Group Projects, Thematic & DBQ Essays Quizzes_____________________________30% Total______________________________100%
Final Grade Quarter 1______________________ 20% Quarter 2______________________ 20% Mid-Term______________________ 10% Quarter 3______________________ 20% Quarter 4______________________ 20% Final Exam_____________________10% Total___________________________100%
Late Policy You may receive ½ credit for any work turned in after the deadline I will always give you plenty of time to complete your assignments so there should be no reason for you to be late! If you are sick or miss class, the assignment will be due the following day we have class
Required Materials Laptops: must be brought to class every day and they need to be charged!!! Notebook and Pen: Sometimes technology fails us so please be prepared with pen and paper
Online Classroom Your Google account will be vital in helping you stay organized and informed in class! – /Drive: I will be sharing several documents with you electronically. You will also be completing assignments and sharing/submitting them through your /drive – Calendar: I will do my best to submit our daily activities to our google classroom calendar
Syllabus Agreement I understand the description of the course, grading policy, and expectations of this class. I am also aware that I can always find the syllabus on the classroom website at any time. Student Signature:______________________ Parent Signature:_______________________ Parent ___________________________