Technology for Teachers Matt Bryson
Why Do We Need Technology In The Classroom? Keep Students Engaged Allows Students to Have Fun Prepares Students for Life Outside of School
Interactive Notebooks Personalized notebook Helps develop student organization Help develop positive study skills Allow for creativity and help students become independent learners Customized websites Students are able to design their own website to display work Students can comment on each other’s websites Facebook for Education Instruction on the Internet Teachers can add Assignments and Surveys Students can answer questions and everyone can see the answers Dialogue can continue at any length with collaboration
Educational Blogs Collaboration Students can Follow Their Progress Work Provided for Absent Students
Bookmarking Allows Students to Follow Current Events Students can Engage in Same Projects Across Different Classes Allows Teachers or Students to Create a Person That Talks Free to use People Enter the Words and the Voki Person Speaks
60 Apps in 60 Minutes 60 Apps in 60 Minutes 60+ Education Apps to use in the Classroom Clint Stephens, Southwest Educational Development Center