Michael Cagle and Holly Langer-Evans | DEC U.S. Department of Education 2013 Fall Conference How FAAs Use the FSA Assessments to Find it, Fix it, and Enhance Compliance Session 19
If we can find it, so can you
Find Fix Enhance Locate and Review FSA Assessments Demonstrate Four Assessments Identify, Fix Issues and Enhance Compliance 3
Locate Assessments 4
Home Page 5 How do you decide which assessment to use? Review the FSA Assessment Chart
FSA Assessment Chart 6
Reason 7
Title IV Aid is an Institutional Responsibility 9
Why Use the Assessments? 10
Assessment Design: Verification 11
Assessment Design: Verification 12
Locate and Print Action Plan 13
Action Plan 14
Action Plan 15
Identify an Assessment 16
Complete an Assessment 17
Complete an Assessment 18 ̶Develop an Action Plan ̶Train Staff ̶Determine if regulations or policy guidance change in ̶Follow through on Corrective Action Scenario 1
Access Action Plan 19
Action Plan 20
Potential Findings 21
Identify FSA Assessment 22
Complete an Assessment 23
Implement an Action Plan 24
Action Plan 25
Action Plan 26
Potential Findings 27
Identify FSA Assessment award year When reviewing the school’s programs, the school discovered that it offers a Hospitality Management program where more than 50% of the program is being taught at another location. The school has ten locations. They noticed that nine of those locations have not been approved by the accrediting agency or State and have not been reported to the U.S. Department of Education. The school also noticed that they offer a non-degree certificate program that is not reported on the EAPP. Scenario 3
Complete an Assessment 29
Implement an Assessment ̶ Develop an Action Plan ̶ Train Staff ̶ Determine if regulations change in ̶ Follow through on Corrective Action Scenario 3 30
Action Plan 31
Action Plan 32
Potential Findings 33
Identify FSA Assessment 34
Complete an Assessment 35
Complete an Assessment ̶Develop an Action Plan ̶Train Staff ̶Determine if regulations change in ̶Follow through on Corrective Action Scenario 4 36
Action Plan 37
Action Plan 38
Potential Findings 39
Importance of a Manual 40
Creating a Policies and Procedures Manual 41
Policies and Procedures Manual 42
Live Demonstration 43
What Have We Learned? 44
Contact Information 45