Leader Axis in Slovakia – strategies and institutions, the case study LAG MICROREGION TEPLICKA.


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Presentation transcript:

Leader Axis in Slovakia – strategies and institutions, the case study LAG MICROREGION TEPLICKA

AUTHORS Banzuela, Ethel Espasa, Laia Islam, Abu Saiful Lozano, Camilo Ernesto Nze, Lawrence Sibande, Lonester Soltanpour, Yazdan Takáč, Ivan 2

Objectives Methodology Analysis ◦SWOT, problem analysis & integrated strategy ◦Financial and action Plan ◦Monitoring and Evaluation ◦Institutional Evaluation Conclusions Recommendations 3

OBJECTIVE Ex-ante evaluation of Teplicka micro- region LAG ◦Coherence of integrated strategies 4

METHODOLOGY Assessment of documents Interviews with Mayors Observations 5

ANALYSIS: SWOT Completeness Integration Logic of SWOT and development priorities Arguments of SWOT 6

ANALYSIS: PROBLEM ANALYSIS Technique of Problem Identification Appropriateness of the Problem Logic between Problem and SWOT Interlink of Problem, vision, Development Priorities and Measures

Analysis: Strategic Framework Problem Solving Approach Intervention Logic

Analysis: Action Plan Linkages of measures activities and specific objectives Contribution of measures and activities to achieving the objectives

Analysis: Financial Plan Correlation among strategic framework, action plan and financial plan Co-financing

Analysis: Monitoring and Evaluation Setting up of indicators Appropriateness of the indicators with CMEF Means of Verification

Analysis: Institutional Evaluation Organizational Structure ◦Membership and partnership Decision making strategy ◦Autonomy versus dependency

7 features of the Leader approach Territorial development strategies “Bottom up” Public-private partnership Innovations Integrated and multi-sector activities Networking Cooperation 13

Evaluation process 14

Organizational structure Sector balance Geographical, social and gender balance Effective Structure of executive body Structure of the Evaluation & Monitoring Decision making bodies represent LAG

Deciding about strategy/measures Strategy prepared bottom up Strategy approved bottom up Measures are selected according with the strategy. Approved measures includes all the territory

Preparedness to Implement Sufficient capacities for identification, selection and control Clear rules for implementation Public familiar with rules Enough numbers of applicants Independency in financial decision Ability of Co-finance by eligible applicants

Conclusion “Based on the analysis, the integrated strategic framework of the micro region Teplicka is logically structured in terms of its measures and objectives. However the bottom up approach is not adequately fulfilled…”

Recommendations More participation from different sectors of the community ◦Information dissemination about the LAG - Focusing on the young people Decentralization of power

Recommendations Support efforts that are interconnecting and integrating the whole territory of the LAG, rather than individual village projects ◦Collaborative projects and partnership Design of the regional image (logo)