Margaret K. Lewis School is in its sixth year as a Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) School. PBS gives people a new way to think about behavior. On a school-wide level, PBS relies on accurate and reliable discipline referral data to understand the behaviors occurring across campus. The PBS process is a team-based approach that relies on a strong collaboration between families and professionals from a variety of disciplines.
PBS provides a positive and effective alternative to the traditional methods of discipline. PBS methods are research-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance.
Have clear rules Teach students alternative responses to misbehavior Deter violent behavior with clear consequences Use data to make decisions Emphasize academics U.S. Department of Education (1998). Safe, Drug-free Schools for All Students: What Works. American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC
A clear set of standards that define behavioral expectations An overall framework that allows for a consistent and predictable staff response to students’ behavior A positive step toward fostering self- management A resource for consistent decision- making
Clearly defined rules and expectations Directly taught rules and expectations to students Provided multiple opportunities for practicing appropriate responses Directly taught consequences Consistently followed through
Loss of Instructional Time Report
What are the school-wide expectations for Margaret K. Lewis School in Millville students and staff?
I promise to SOAR like an MKL EAGLE. I am S uccessful and do my best. I am O ptimistic about myself and others. I am A mbitious and work hard. I am R esponsible for my actions. I am an MKL SOAR ing EAGLE.
There are rules for each of these areas: Bus Waiting Playground Cafeteria Hallway Library Gym Classrooms
B e ready to load your bus. U se a quiet voice. S tay at your bus table and keep your hands, feet and objects to self.
P lay well together. L isten to staff. A lways stay inside the playground. Y ou are responsible for your actions.
E at first, talk later. A lways use good table manners. T ake care of your personal space.
W atch where you are going. A lways have a quiet voice. L isten to staff. K eep hands and feet to self.
B e on time. O bey librarian and staff. O nly use computers with permission. K eep books clean and dry. S can your book to check out.
G o to and from the gym quietly and orderly. Y ou need to line up along the wall. M ake sure you participate in P.E.
W ill to work. O bey teachers. R esponsible for my actions. K eep hands, objects and feet to self.
Naval Diving and Salvage Training School Eagle of the Month Assembly
Gulf Power Transformers School-wide Events
The PBS Team will be hosting a series of events throughout the year for students who have demonstrated SOAR ing behavior. To be admitted to the event, each student will have to earn four wooden nickels. Each nickel represents a school- wide expectation – S uccessful, O ptimistic, A mbitious, or R esponsible.
March 19, 2010 Carnival April 16, 2010 Western Day May 21 Teacher Follies-Staff performances
Susan Barthelemy, Elementary Department Rita Carlson, Secondary Department Sue Denman, Independent Department Judy Griffith, Communication Department Diana Keisker, District Representative Beth Lawrence, Paraprofessionals Elizabeth Parker, Administration