Teaching Teachers for the Future Cut to the chase! Teaching Teachers for the Future School of Education Murdoch University
Why TTF is important Cut to the chase! One of the ways the School of Education addresses how we deal with: The Australian Curriculum in our teacher education programs (ACARA) AITSL Teacher Standards (and their adoption by WACOT) (AITSL) Teacher Education Accreditation AITSL In the contexts of School Review changing courses and expectations different student needs
Our Deliverables The evaluation in mid March 2012 needs to demonstrate What are we committed to for the money? The evaluation in mid March 2012 needs to demonstrate Changes to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and resources in the History and Mathematics teacher education programs Changes to ICT capacity of graduating teacher education students (using TPACK model) Changes in the practices, understandings and skills of History and Mathematics methods teacher educators regarding embedding ICTE in curriculum methods units An Action Plan for sustainability and scaling across ALL curriculum areas and all nationally accredited teacher education programs
Project Overview Maths/History initially and all the rest beyond that Component 1 Explicit ICTE dimensions to Graduate Teacher Standards Component 2 Digital ICTE resources for Math, English, History, Science Component 3 Sustainable National Network of ICTE expertise to drive systemic change in teacher education Our focus Sustainable change Maths/History initially and all the rest beyond that
Core tasks for Murdoch School of Education Identify two focus curriculum areas Maths History National Support Network NSN Connect and collaborate Appointment & support ICTPOs ICT Pedagogy officers 1 FTE for 1 year Co-ordinate project 0.33 FTE for 12-18 months (spread across) Sustainable systemic change for ICTE in all curriculum methods Long term change Participants in the project Implement use of ICTE in Maths & History Contribute to resources Mapping collection of base data Just in time support Trialing and embedding resources Revisions of History and Maths curriculum methods Contribute to the School’s Action Plan Mapping Linking ICTPOs and method’s team Coordinate collection base data Professional development activities Contribute to the School’s Action Plan Facilitate teacher education curriculum reform Embed TPACK in pedagogy Complete evaluation requirements Everyone else in the School Implement use of ICTE in ALL curriculum (and other) units in teacher education program
Start working with Math and History unit coordinators Constraints Acquit and report 2012 Mid March – report on University Activities Present Action Plan Working on project Generating ICTE resources Changing units 2011 Feb/March Complete contracts Appoint ICTPO(s) Start working with Math and History unit coordinators Reference Group Establish Action Plan Funding is only for salary – other aspects funded from the School budget Timeline is tight Contracts now with ESA (not ALTC) and still to be signed
What is an ICTPO? ICT [in Education] Pedagogy Officer Within their Institutions 1. Work with the TTFPC to undertake mapping exercise, pre-project data collection (and possible post-intervention data) and other reporting and milestone activities as required. 2. Provide just-in-time support and professional learning opportunities for EMH&S curriculum methods staff. 3. Contribute to the trialling and embedding of resources as they develop, including the embedding of self-study resources in EMH&S curriculum methods in identified teacher education programs. 4. Support the revision of subject profiles, in EMH&S curriculum methods for future delivery, to address the (to be developed) ICTE dimensions of the Graduate Teacher Standards. 5. And all other elements as outlined in the Position Description Frame for ICT Pedagogy Officer . 6. Contribute to the development of the Institutional Action Plan. As part of the NSN, through their expertise in one or more of EMH&S curriculum methods. 1. Collaboratively develop templates/evidence base frameworks for e-portfolio for graduates in line with ICT Dimensions in conjunction within Component 1. 2. Feed into resource development work of Component 2 and 3. Contribute to sharable database of examples TPACK-based pre-service teacher education pedagogies/assessment in each of four areas. 4. Participate constructively in all relevant NSN tasks, events and activities. Acronym buster TTFPC TTF Project Coordinator EMH&S English, Maths, History and Science NSN National support network
Conceptual Framework What is TPACK? Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge conceptual framework Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record. 108(6), 1017-1054. Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (in press). Introducing Technological Pedagogical Knowledge. In AACTE (Eds.). The Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Educators. To be published by AACTE and Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. http://punya.educ.msu.edu/research/tpck/