Territories & Tolerance Resistance & Battles...
But first... Workshop Group Presentations Critical Reflection Paper: 25% (Due Sunday August 23:30h)
Young & Brighenti Applied / Theoretical Definition Young’s case demonstrates the point made by Brighenti Walls as strategy... Governmentality
Brighenti Social Theory Lens Cultural geography What is precisely public in public space?
Defining graffiti.... Problematic (Young*) Interstitial practice When interrogated from each perspective: “yes, but....” Common denominator: materiality
Because... 1.Global context & “street” 2.Legislation vs. creativity 3.Tools & techniques of the body 4.Simplistic/complex lifestyle 5.Architecture as affordances (not things)
For example: Hip Hop Trope infection suggestion (Brighenti, 2010:321)
Walls as Artefacts: Strategy Why does a municipality care about walls? Why does a municipality care about walls?
Strategy Governmentality (Foucault) Procedural power Historical emergence of knowleges about such powers/populations Application of tools – Administrative state
Walls as Visable Territorial Devices Graffiti as Tactical Strategy... Citizens are ‘imagined’ in walls (Official Graffiti, Hermer & Hunt) Graffiti challenges these narratives with “at hand” tools (bricolage)
Public scene as composition The “street”: the birth and target of graffiti Young’s research: Confusion about public space (target for ‘education’)
Graffiti poses two questions: Public 1.What is a writer? 2.What is public space? – Restrictive/Utilitarian – Permissive/Antiquity
Territory “Tags” create territory Graffiti IS territory – It does not end at the wall – Community – All is not resistance...
Walls... “...are governmental tools that set limits and impasses, and complimentary allowed paths and trajectories...” Writers see walls as invitations to continue the conversation about public space...
If everything is a wall... Critical thinking...
Young Please review the details on your own Important for your presentations... Governing murals – Impact of administration The 4 E’s....
Ottawa: Permission & Policing
Before we go... Critical Reflection Paper Assignment Guidelines Formatting Guidelines Group Work... *Attendance policy * Presentation