Principal Erika Rains Vice Principal Joann Roach 2
WELCOME BACK SENIORS!!! 4 Class of 2016 Somerset College Preparatory Academy ’ s first graduating class !!
WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN Beginning your journey with us is beginning a new chapter with a new family, full of new opportunities, friendships and a chance to discover yourself 5
Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self- directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment. Somerset Mission
Somerset Beliefs S-- Set high expectations O-- Objective M-- Meaningful curriculum E-- Effective R-- Resourceful and responsible life long learners S-- Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E-- Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T-- Teachers who are highly qualified
TEXT US If you and your parents are not already signed up for school texts, please do so now by to Make sure your parents do it, too.
AGENDAS All students need an agenda Agendas permit you to leave the classroom (bathrooms, other classrooms or office) Agendas are for sale through your homeroom rep for $5. lunch 9
ANNOUNCEMENTS Class of 2016 Spring Break Trip London/Paris/Rome Registration is now open seats left open 12 seats left open Tour Number: Tour Number: YW
ANNOUNCEMENTS Class of 2016 Spring Break Trip London/Paris/Rome Information Meeting Tuesday September
Announcements Spring Break 2017 Information Meeting for British 6:00PM Wednesday September 9 Registration is now open- 40 seats available Tour Number: KT Registration for Spring Break 2018 China Trip is now open – 30 seats available Tour Number: WJ
Announcements STUDENTS!! Get your parents out to the first PTSO meeting of the year!! Help us organize, celebrate and put together the festivities we have in store for this year!! PTSO Meeting September
ANNOUNCEMENTS Vending machines are off limits during class. Memorize your lunch number to help expedite the line.
ANNOUNCEMENTS FOOD DELIVERY is NOT permitted. If you forget lunch and need to have food delivered or dropped off, it MUST come to the main office. Having food dropped off in the parking lot is a safety hazard and will result in a referral.
ANNOUNCEMENTS **Moe’s Night September 1 after school** Take Family and Friends and mention the school
DRESS CODE Dress Code detentions will begin on Monday, August 24. ***Please be in dress code*** 17
Academic Integrity Plagiarism is STRICTLY prohibited! Consequences result in.. An automatic “F” An automatic “F” NO alternative assignment NO alternative assignment Automatic suspension for 3 days! Automatic suspension for 3 days! 21
Plagiarism pt 5
SENIORS! You are required to have at least 75 hours to graduate from SCPA. All volunteer hours are due by March 18, Turn in all your hours to Mrs. Silva in the main office. **Do NOT wait until last minute!!**
SENIOR PICTURE DAY Picture Day for the is Wednesday, September 9 from 9am-1pm Senior Picture Day for the Yearbook is Wednesday, September 9 from 9am-1pm This is from Senior Portraits This is different from Senior Portraits Wear the for it is a regular school day Wear the school uniform for it is a regular school day Girls- wear a tank top (any color) your clothes Girls- wear a tank top (any color) under your clothes You can come to school in the tank top You can NOT come to school in the tank top
SENIOR PICTURE DAY Dual Enrollment or Internship students, if you can not make it September 9, you will have to go to the studio in Fort Pierce to get your picture taken--See Mrs. Roach for further information If your picture does not get taken either here or in Fort Pierce, your picture will be in the yearbook If your picture does not get taken either here or in Fort Pierce, your picture will not be in the yearbook Flyers for Senior will be handed out September 9. Flyers for Senior Portraits will be handed out September 9. Portraits will be held as a school event, for they are to be done at your own time if you choose to do so Portraits will not be held as a school event, for they are to be done at your own time if you choose to do so
SENIOR PACKAGE Class of 2016– Senior Fees $50 per student// $55 after October 1// $60 after January 1 Cap & Tassel (keep) Gown Rental Diploma with cover Graduation Tickets Senior Pins Senior Awards Senior Portrait for the School Prom– Approx. $80 Senior Activities Week-- $52 for all May 16– Superplay Night 7-10pm ($18) May 17– Movie Night ($15) May 18– Dinner/Roast/Awards/Pinning ($12) May 19– Beach/Picnic Day (Potluck) May 20– Golden Corral ($10) Senior Europe Trip– England, Spain, France EFTours.com Tour # YW Hallowscream October $100
PROM COMMITTEE 3:45– Today Students only ! The first meeting will be the only meeting allowing students to attend. After that it is closed to the public. Attend for opinions, suggestions and criticisms. Make SCPA ’ s first prom – the best one !!
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 2016 President- Irinie St. Hill President- Brianna Zirger Vice President- (if we have enough interest) Class Representative (2) 2017 President Vice President Class Representative (2) 2018 President Vice President Class Representative (2) 2019 President Vice President Class Representative (2) 28
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Who can run?? GPA Requirement Good Behavior Who can Vote?? Only students who have attended both meetings Elections: We will hold in house elections for these positions during the second meeting and not open it to the whole school. Mrs. Hernandez will collect and count the votes. The winners will be announced. Other: Mrs. Hernandez will provide position descriptions and seek only serious students who are willing to put in the work.
ACT Next test date: October 24, 2015 Registration Deadline: September 18, 2015 If you qualify for an ACT waiver please see Mrs. Hernandez by September 15, If you are unsure if you qualify for an ACT waiver see Mrs. Hernandez in the main office. 30
SAT Next test date: October 3, 2015 Registration Deadline: September 3, 2015 If you qualify for an SAT waiver please see Mrs. Hernandez by August 21, If you are unsure if you qualify for an SAT waiver see Mrs. Hernandez in the main office.
DUAL ENROLLMENT Requirements: 3.0 GPA Take the PERT-- Ask Mrs. Rains if interested
LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY Application Fee waived for SCPA students Application Fee waived for SCPA students In state tuition offered In state tuition offered Associates of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting Marketing Bachelor of Science Athletic Training Veterinary Health Science Criminology and Criminal Justice Social Work Environmental Science Bachelor of Arts Art Media Communications Business Political Science Harrogate, TN
Tutoring Lunch Tutoring: 1.Monday-English 2.Tuesday-Science 3.Wednesday-History 4.Thursday-Foreign Language 5.Friday-TBA 6.TBA- Math After school Tutoring: 1.Monday-Science 2.Tuesday-Math 3.Wednesday-Detention 4.Thursday-English 5.Friday-N/A
DETENTION & SATURDAY SCHOOL **After school Wednesdays** 35
STUDENT DRIVERS All Student Drivers MUST fill out the “Parking Permit Application” found in the main office before parking on school campus. You must also provide a copy of your drivers license, insurance, vehicle registration and the $20.00 application fee. Remember, driving on campus is a PRIVILEGE, not a right! Student drivers caught skipping school will lose driving privileges *Driving on campus without a permit will result in a $35 ticket* 36
LEAVING CAMPUS Leaving Campus during lunch is a Junior and Senior Privilege ONLY!! If you are leaving campus for lunch you must sign IN and OUT in the binder outside the main office If caught not signing both in and out Senior Privileges WILL be revoked If you are a driver and take another student to lunch with you, you both must have a signed letter from each parent giving permission, the letter must be brought to the main office before hand
STUDENT VEHICLES As of Friday these vehicles were tagged and will receive tickets Tuesday if they are not registered in the main office: 1. 1.Blue 2 door Nissan Tag # DJL- I Beige 4 door Camry Tag # 575-LJZ 3. 3.Red 2 door Honda Tag # DEM-I Red 2 door Mustang Temp Tag # BLM Black 4 door KIA Sorenta Tag #CSG-K Black 4 door Jeep Cherokee Tag # 533-PQA 7. 7.Silver 4 door Hyundai Tag # XOO-1PY
WOW WORD - FRIDAY Avert Avert Verb: prevent or ward off The information given at the seminar was to avert head-on collisions.
WINGS HUT Wings Hut Lunch- Every Friday unless told otherwise $5 per order Rice or Fries and Wings Orders are to be placed Orders are to be placed Monday - Thursday Orders given to Homeroom reps and Homeroom reps will take them to Rm
YANKEE CANDLE PTSO Fundraiser Prizes for the Top Sellers! Support the School August 17- September 14 Sales Packets will be handed out during homeroom or order online at Group #: America’s best loved candle
PRIZES?? **Enter to win yearbooks dating back to the beginning of SCPA time..** Entry tickets on sale during lunch for a $1- Drawings every Friday 42 Throwing it back to
CLUB PURE Locations: S. US HWY 1, PSL 3731 Oleander Ave #109, Fort Pierce (772) Thursday Nights is Teen Club Night After school Learn How To Dance dance class Hip Hop Modern Ballet/Tap/Jazz Competition Team Middle School and High School students only** Need a student I.D. at the door Offering a scholarship to 14 students!! Check out clubpure.org for more information 43
GET INVOLVED Clubs Volleyball Cheerleading Basketball Golf Chess Drama 300 Anime Student Government 44 * Create your own club? Find a teacher sponsor Fundraising Plan Schedule Plan See Mrs. Rains
DRAMA CLUB Informational Meeting after school Tuesday, August 25 th in rm 109
CHEERLEADING Cheer Tryouts for girls interested in joining the an Cheer Team will be held Monday, August 24 from the LeaderCheer Gym Parent Meeting for girls trying out will take place from 5:00-5:30 Returning Spartan Cheerleaders must also attend practice on the 24 th The first official practice with all Spartan Cheerleaders will be Wednesday, August 26 from 3:30-5:30 There will be bus transportation from school to LeaderCheer, but parents must pick cheerleaders up at the end of practice.
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball Game- This Up on Top **Come Support our girls!!**
BASKETBALL If you are interested in trying out for the Boys Basketball team, you should attend tryouts October You should expect to practice 4 days a week for the first 2 weeks and then 3 days a week during the season. Practice details are posted and there is s $100 athletic fee due prior to first practice. Please contact Coach Jack White with any questions.
ASIAN POP CULTURE CLUB Come join this week during lunch in room 103!! 49
CHESS CLUB Interested in Chess Club?? Sign up in Rm 101 with Mr. Tredor 50