TEKS ARTICULATION: SCIENCE Brought to you by: The Science Coaches Katie Dove, Michele Allen, Patricia Duke and Rae Riley
NAME PLATES Create foldable name plate-follow along with me! Create your Hip-Hop name (as per directions on your table) and write it on your name plate Below your Hip-Hop name write AKA: Your real name On the back of your name plate write – 3 Things your know about the Science TEKS – 2 Questions you have about the TEKS – 1 Learning Goal for today
STANDARDS In TEXAS TEKS are the standards!
GOAL To understand the role of the TEKS in teaching, learning and assessment for ALL students – NEW SCIENCE TEKS! – Structure and design – Vertical nature – Relationship to TAKS
Structure and Design FORMAT Introduction – Provides key contextual information and brief overview of the essential knowledge & skills for a grade or course Strands – Organizers for the knowledge and skills statements Essential Knowledge and Skills – Concepts and skills to be learned Student Expectations – Demonstration of the concepts and skills learned
KEY FACTORS OF THE INTRODUCTION Subchapter A Section 1 Recurring themes that transcend disciplinary boundaries Defines the broad scope of elementary science – Identifies time spent in outdoor investigations for each grade level – 80% in K and 1, 60% in grades 2 and 3, and 50% in grades 4 and 5 Key process and content themes for specific grade level – A broad focus for the year
TEKS STRIPS Create a description of the TEKS by identifying the following: What… – are students “doing”? With What… – are students “doing” this? Why… – are students “doing” this?
STUDENTS ARE DOING What?With What?Why? TEKS STRIPS Describe, plan, and implement Simple scientific investigations with one variable To learn about the natural world, and learn that investigations can be used to answer questions
STUDENTS ARE DOING What?With What?Why? Your Turn!- Pick a TEK in your grade level
TWO FACES OF THE TEKS Knowledge (Conceptual) – Big ideas, unifying themes, key fundamental understandings Skills (Behavioral) – Processes, procedures, definitions, facts
TWO FACES OF THE TEKS What are the attributes of the knowledge/conceptual face of the TEKS? – Can you name the 5 unifying concepts in the new science TEKS? Scientific investigation and reasoning Matter and Energy Force, Motion and Energy Earth and Space Organisms and Environments – What are some skills that need in theses concepts? Observe, describe, examine, differentiate, identify, compare explain, demonstrate, etc.
ATTRIBUTES OF THE KNOWLEDGE/CONCEPTUAL FACE “understanding” related conceptually oriented involving higher-order thinking levels hard to measure uses verbs like “to understand” assessment is usually complex, requiring preset criteria and instruments
THE BALANCE AND BLOOM’S TAXONOMY knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation Skills/Behavioral Knowledge/Conceptual
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER What changes occur from grade to grade in... – “What” students are doing? – “How” or “with what” students are doing? – “Why” students are doing? C-Scope Transition DocumentTransition Movement of TEKS
LET’S GET BUILDING! Goal: To create a tool to help visualize the vertical alignment of the new Science TEKS – While creating your tool, focus on what is being taught, how it is to be taught, and to what level are students accountable for the new learning – What should students know when coming to you? – What gaps/what is different about your new grade level Science TEKS? – Be thinking about how you are going to address the new TEKS in your lessons. Rules: – Only one grade per strip – Strand, Knowledge and Skill statement, and Student Expectation must all be easily identifiable – The Knowledge and Skill that you pick must show vertical alignment and growth K-5th GROUPS: TEK K.3, K.5, K.6, K.7, K.8, K.9, K.10
ALIGNMENT IMPLIES… A focus on TEKS Understanding the relationship between TEKS and TAKS An examination of instructional process Maintaining a K-16 perspective A commitment and shared responsibility to enhance student learning Working toward high achievement for all students Ensuring essential student expectations Securing the appropriate and necessary professional development to ensure alignment
INSTRUCTION OF TEKS What? What did you learn as a result of going through this activity? So What? What is important about these ideas? Now What? What action(s) will you take as a result of this learning?