Auckland city 奧克蘭市 02 New Zealand 李常生 (Eddie) 、林小圓 (Amy) 整理 All photos from 2/19/2010 台北 Taipei Taiwan You can rearrange the music or improve this file as you like. 假如有需要,您可改變這個檔案的音樂或者修改之。
harbour by luca_redluca_red
Auckland at night by luca_redluca_red
attack! by luca_redluca_red
window by luca_redluca_red
West Harbour beauty by BushratBushrat
Birds on Muriwai by luca_redluca_red
Viaduct Harbour by luca_redluca_red
Princes Wharf # by graciousgracious
Metro Centre by luca_redluca_red
Cornwall Park by krug100krug100 Building Reflections by kiwi_explorerkiwi_explorer
Landhouse by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Ferry building terminal by graciousgracious
House on the Hill by rhinorhino
Auckland Chruch by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Opportunism by mformabzmformabz
Old and new by JimstJimst Commercial Street by geneafredgeneafred
Back to the sky by Matthew-WattMatthew-Watt
Boats by jackeroojackeroo
Family Affair. by jubsjubs
K-Road by mpcorbettmpcorbett
Auckland Harbour by redversredvers
Lonely by KiwiRobKiwiRob Ferry Building by KiwiRobKiwiRob
Winter Gardens by JaniceJanice Lantern Walk by mpcorbettmpcorbett
auckland by EugeneEugene Maori Totem by mpcorbettmpcorbett
Salvation by vapoursvapours
New Outlook by mpcorbettmpcorbett Skytower by lomaxlomax
Britomart Auckland by kiwikiwi
Copyright: Erwin Kruger
No Blur on this Boat - NZ1 Copyright: David Jessop
Copyright: David Jessop
Copyright: Dennis Bezuidenhout
Copyright: Steven Parata
Copyright: Bong Errazo
Copyright: Mandy MC Copyright: Patricia Deakin
Copyright: Steven Parata Copyright: Patricia Deakin
Copyright: Carl Proffit
Copyright: Peter Parata
Copyright: Bong Errazo
Copyright: Peter Parata
Copyright: Patricia Deakin
Copyright: Janice Dunn
Copyright: Sweety De Freitas