Workshop Agenda: Day One 9:30 IntroductionLagerloef / Le Vine 9:45 Workshop objectivesG. Feldman 10:00 Overview of the Aquarius Data Processing System:G. Feldman 10:30 ADPS Science Software Development Overview: Bryan Franz 11:00 Raw file to Level-1a processing and overview of Level-1b data format: Fred Patt 11:30 Radiometer Level-1a to Level-1b processing overview: F. Wentz / S. Kim 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 Radiometer L1B continued: C. Ruf / J. Piepmeier 1. RFI Flags C. Ruf 2. Radiometer Calibration Model J. Piepmeier 2:00 Scatterometer Level-1a to Level-1b processing overview: S. Yueh / A. Freeman 3:00 Radiometer Level 2 Processing Overview: D. Le Vine 3:30 Level-2 format options and flags: Bryan Franz 4:00 Discussion 5:30 End of First Day
Workshop Agenda: Day Two 9:00 Level-3 Data Format and Binning Overview: G. Feldman / Fred Patt 9:30 Level-3 Processing: G. Lagerloef / Jonathan Lilly 10:00 Aquarius Validation Data System: Werdell / Gunn 1. Overview of the AVDS-ADPS data exchange: Jeremy Werdell 2. Status:John Gunn 10:30 Mission Simulator:Fred Patt 11:00 Data Simulator: S. Kennison 11:30 Science and Data Simulators: Status and future plans 1. Overview & RadiometerD. Le Vine 2. Scatterometer : Science and data simulationS. Yueh / A. Freedman 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch 1:30 Strategy and Discussion: How to proceed with development, implementation, integration and testing (All) 3:30 Adjourn
Definition of Product Levels LevelDescription Level 1 1A Reconstructed unprocessed instrument data 1B Geolocated, calibrated sensor units at 0.12 / 0.18 sec; RFI flag and then averaged and output at 1.44 seconds. Level 2 2A TOA to surface: Geolocated, calibrated sensor units at surface at 1.44 sec. Correct for Faraday rot; Antenna pattern, Sun, etc. 2B TB to SSS: Geolocated SSS from L2A and averaged to a 5.76 sec. Roughness correction from Scatterometer. Level 3 Re-grid and smooth: Time-space objectively analyzed SSS on a standard Earth Projection; 150 km at 7days and monthly. Calibration Collect Level 2B data at points coinciding with surface measurements and average to remove biases. Validation Match L2B data with in situ ocean measurements (SSS, SST, winds, sea state, etc) and compare at 150 km monthly
Instrument Model Scat out Rad out Level 1 Processing Instrument Cal Model Calibrated Sensor Output Sigma0 TA Cold Sky Science Retrieval Level 2 processing L2A and L2B Science Grid L3 L1 Product AVDS Spacecraft HK: temp, ephemeris attitude, etc Ancillary data SST, NCEP, Sun, Ionosphere, etc AVDS Validation Science Calibration Model Validation Science Simulator Temperature Simulated Data