Scientific Method Activity: Problem: Are the colors equally represented in a pack of milk chocolate M&Ms? Hypothesis: I think there will be 19 M&Ms in the bag. I think there will be 3 red, 2 yellow, 4 blue, 3 green, 2 orange, and 5 brown. Materials: One bag of Milk Chocolate M&Ms Colored Pencils/Markers Paper and Pencil
Procedures: 1.Open the bag of M&Ms. Do not eat any of them yet. 2.Sort the M&Ms into groups based on color. 3.Count how many of each color there are. 4.Record data into a two column chart. Column 1 = Color; Column 2 = # of M&Ms 5.Add up the total number of M&Ms in the bag 6.Calculate the percentage of each color in the bag using the formula: Percentage = # of candies of one color X 100 total # of candies in the bag Procedures: 1.Open the bag of M&Ms. Do not eat any of them yet. 2.Sort the M&Ms into groups based on color. 3.Count how many of each color there are. 4.Record data into a two column chart. Column 1 = Color; Column 2 = # of M&Ms 5.Add up the total number of M&Ms in the bag 6.Calculate the percentage of each color in the bag using the formula: Percentage = # of candies of one color X 100 total # of candies in the bag
Color#(Table1)#(Table2)#(Table3)#(Table4)#(Table5)#(Table6)Total Red Yellow Blue Green Orange Brown TOTAL rd Period Class Data
Color#(Table1)#(Table2)#(Table3)#(Table4)#(Table5)#(Table6)Total Red Yellow Blue Green Orange Brown TOTAL th Period Class Data
Data Analysis Table & Bar Graph for your data, group data, and class data % and pie chart for your data and class data
Conclusion/Summary This should be a paragraph including a summary of the lab activity (What was performed) Restate the problem and compare your results to your hypothesis Compare your results to the class results Explain what your charts tell you about the distribution of the colors of M&Ms