Over Christmas break the Stang’s get ready for our family to come over, we cook the food, and we get to relax on Christmas day. Wooden Snowflake my uncle Steve made.
Christmas Over Break Family Food Christmas Day
Over Break Sledding Watch Movies Sleep in Exchange gifts with friends
Food Dinner: Rolls, turkey, ham, fruit Jell-O Cookies: Sugar, chocolate chip Dessert: pumpkin and cherry pie Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Christmas Day Wake up/ Eat breakfast Hand out gifts/ Open them Family comes over Eat supper We wake up and eat breakfast. After, we handout and open gifts. Then our family comes over around 2 and we open more presents and eat our Christmas supper.
Finale Over Christmas break, the Stang’s get ready for Christmas. From getting the family around, cooking food for Christmas supper, and opening presents, the Stang’s never have a boring Christmas.