Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November MICE The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Welcome to MICE CM25: Goals of the meeting Alain Blondel MICE is running again! (and again today) 1. Step I: all OK installed and running …DK Solenoid, target still: optics, lumi monitor, intensity climb 2. Step II: Spectro solenoid SSI. Tracker, diffuser, Shielding plates Where we stand with Spectrometer solenoid? 3. Step III: SSII and tracker II, EMR, LiH absorber, wedge 4. Step IV: Liq H2 system, FC module, absorber, windows etc. Some infrastructure issues 5. Step V: RF cavities production, RF power station assembly Coupling coils, RF infrastructure. 6. Step VI: approved scientifically but not funded completely … Getting there?. 7. Review status of conferences and publications Thanks to Rose and to Chris Booth for organization!
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Synopsis -- decay solenoid now routine operation! -- infrastructure items enormous progress, still need PPS – some other worries -- target target in ISIS working ‘perfectly’ replica still not perfect -- results of Sep09 beam measurements running again! MUONS! beam loss up to 2V! ~40 ’s/spill/Volt still factor ~25 to go for stepV (was 500) -- spectrometer solenoid ran 90% current burned High Tc lead -> Apr10/Jul10 -- detectors and EMR all OK, TOF2 dec09 EMR in construction -> Jul10 -- RF cavity production 5 cavities by dec09 -- RF power source First 1MW power amplifier to be tested by Dec09 -- RF power infrastructure still tight MRI proposal: low level RF and piping -- Focus coils necessary modification spotted delivery May hydrogen absorber first absorber completed. LiH system progressing now -- Coupling coils large test coil complete fabrication delegated to Qi Huan (Beijing) Mucool CC end-2010 MICE Q3-Q ??? would be great to have these dates by the end of this CM25 -- DAQ, monitoring software & analysis operational – still much to perfect! Mousepower welcome everywhere
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November STEP II All is ready for step II -- all detectors OK, tracker has been ready now for awhile -- Floor and infrastructure plans for stepII will be discussed at tech. board Delay due to spectrometer solenoid -- SSI reached 88% of max current (238/270A) but 8 July HTs lead failure (burned) insufficient cooling in this area of magnet proposed fix is to add an aditional 1-stage crycooler cryocooler ordered, expected early November -- vendor working now on both magnets to implement space for additional cryocooler Review of Solenoids ongoing to investigate -- need for further improvements -- how to avoid incident again
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Magnet Cross Section View Fill Vents
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Assessment of situation: (MZ) High likelihood of being able to train both magnets to full current NO guarantee that magnet 2 will operate without needing “top-up” of cryogens; carrying out thermal calculations now to examine this, but real proof awaits testing. Consequences in MICE hall (cost, space, safety) -- possible need for additional compressors and -- possibly presence of cryogen dewars under evaluation. Best estimate of schedule at present: delivery at RAL April 2010 of magnet 2 (SSI for step II) magnet 1 (SSII for step III) three months later Will work hard to maintain Step II in early July’10 – ISIS shut down 15Aug’10! Otherwise Step II postponed to Mar11…
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Spectrometer Solenoid Plans Review process underway: -- charge and list of requested documents issued -- documents on the web by 23 September -- in person review November -- reviewers call 5 october to introduce material Review panel: Pasquale Fabbricatore (Genoa, chair) Elwyn Baynham (RAL+ITER) Mike Couthold and Tom Bradshaw,(RAL) Amalia Ballarino (CERN) Chris White (Daresbury lab) Comments until 19 October, meeting with LBNL people 2 November In person meeting at BNL November to conclude. Review web site: Concern for other MICE magnets: implications of construction of large magnets with cryocoolers Small or large lessons to be learned e.g. ‘protect HTs leads!’
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Review Charge:
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November MICE Schedule as of Sept 2009 Sep-Dec 2009 (running now) STEP I Q2/Q Q > 2011 STEP II STEP IV 2011 STEP V STEP VI 2013 STEP III/III.1 Run date:
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November ISIS Schedule as received from David Findlay 29/10/09 2-8Nov09 / 10Nov09-20Dec09 /21-23Dec092009/4STEP I 1-14Feb10 / 16Feb10-25Mar10 /26-28Mar102009/5STEPI 12-18Apr10/20Apr10-28May10 /29-30May102010/1STEPI 7-20Jun10 /22Jun10-12Aug10 /13-15Aug102010/2STEPII? 1-27Feb11/ 1Mar11-14Apr11 /15-17Apr112010/3STEP III? 2-8May11/ 10May11-9Jun11 /10-12Jun11 *)2011/1STEP III? 27Jun11-3Jul11/5Jul11-4Aug11/5-7Aug112011/2STEPIII.1? 5-18Sep11/ 20Sep11-27Oct11 /28-30Oct11 *)2011/3STEPIV? 7-13Nov11/ 15Nov11-22Dec11 /23Dec11 *)2011/4STEPIV 16Aug10-30Jan LONG SHUT DOWN Run-up&MP / ---users run--- / Machine PhysicsCycle nameMICE *) provisional Some decisions may be open to us: We may be in position to skip/shrink step II Step IV may be ready earlier than completion of steps III and III.1? Do we try to run all the time or skip one period for step IV installation?
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Funding agency committee 16 October 09 Presence of DOE (None) NSF (Marv. Goldberg, James Whitmore remote) INFN (U. Dosselli, A. Vacchi) STFC (J. Womersley, C. Jamieson, J. Bennett) RAL (N.McCubbin pt) MICE (A.Blondel (spokesperson), A. Nichols, K.Long,(project management ) MICE status report MICE note 267 Thanks for all contributions! Please read and correct/improve. Open session: (Mike Tarrant, Chris Booth, Yagmur Torun) (a very nice set of slides on MICE) Schedule (A.Nichols) Some uncertainties to step V, still, in particular power station upgrade. Report on Common Fund usage (progress on clarifying presentation of this!) UK STFC confirms that Step VI is full part of MICE program. UK funding.for step VI will be discussed this coming winter. Hope to have decision in March2010. Also promised to re-organize oversight of MICE experiment at large.
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Worries and problems by PM Andy Nichols Infrastructure for Step II will be ready several months before delivery of first spectrometer solenoid A bit of a hiatus then What if we have to disperse the installation team? No news of substation upgrade – we’ve effectively moved this risk from Step IV to Step III Space for storage and pre-integration at RAL will be a problem around Steps IV & V, given how long this takes we must act now (some progress with R40) 12
Alain Blondel MICE collaboration meeting CM25 RAL November Party Thursday evening in hall R22 – simple the MICE facebook team Verguilov/Graulich/Ellis/Kyberd/Nebrenski is volunteered to organize games etc… -- upload your talks! Indico modification key is cm25 -- comments etc.. on organization of MICE meetings -- or – -- comments or questions/points to raise in conclusions --- send mail – hand out note -- talk. To me