PE – Symmetry and Asymmetry and Net and Ball Games Science – Magnets and Springs Geography – Village Settlers (T4) History – Anglo-Saxons ICT - Simulation French – Parts of the Body, Colours, Months, Saying your age Art – Pattern and Print Music – Dragon Scales (Pentatonic Scales) RE – CommunionSEAL – Going for Goals
Use commas in a list Mrs Towers went to the shop and bought a sticky bun, a drink and an apple. Punctuation - Commas
Literacy We are going to produce our own non- chronological reports about animals. Look at a range of non-fiction books Talk about the key features and how to use them Practice writing sentences/ paragraphs about animals: where they live, what they eat, about their young etc. Make them interesting for the reader! We enjoy producing reports on the computer and learn to them.
Calligrams and Shape Poems Adventure Stories and Persuasive Writing Persuade Brad Bird to make the sequel to The Iron Giant!
Maths - Time Analogue Digital Timetables O’clock Half past Quarter past Quarter to Nearest 5 mins Nearest 1 min
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