Describe what enzymes do in less than 10 words. WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction
I can apply my knowledge of the structure of the small intestine and role of enzymes to make a detailed prediction. I can describe what will happen to the starch and explain why this happens. I can describe what will happen to the starch. Literacy: I can use homophones correctly. WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction
Model of the small intestine This is a scientific model of the small intestine: Discuss and annotate sheet: What represents the blood stream, small intestine and food? WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction
Task Sheet WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Look back at your conclusion – if I have given you a C – collect a prompt sheet from the middle of table.
Task – 10 minutes To use your scientific knowledge to predict what will happen in this experiment. NB: PEEL (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link) Task – 10 minutes To use your scientific knowledge to predict what will happen in this experiment. NB: PEEL (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link) WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Literacy: I can use homophones correctly.
Set up Model Small Intestine - 10 minutes Read through instructions and follow part 1 step by step. Set up Model Small Intestine - 10 minutes Read through instructions and follow part 1 step by step. WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Literacy: I can use homophones correctly.
Set up Model Small Intestine - 10 minutes Read through instructions and follow part 1 step by step. Once finished get out equipment ready for Part 2 Set up Model Small Intestine - 10 minutes Read through instructions and follow part 1 step by step. Once finished get out equipment ready for Part 2 WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Literacy: I can use homophones correctly.
WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Literacy: I can use homophones correctly. DIRT While we are waiting for the enzymes to work: Read through your prediction – Have you got PEEL? Can you/ have you used these words starch, glucose, small, large, enzymes, break down, small intestine, microscopic holes, blood stream, present, disappeared, visking tubing HOMOPHONE CHECK Check rest of book for yellow boxes DIRT While we are waiting for the enzymes to work: Read through your prediction – Have you got PEEL? Can you/ have you used these words starch, glucose, small, large, enzymes, break down, small intestine, microscopic holes, blood stream, present, disappeared, visking tubing HOMOPHONE CHECK Check rest of book for yellow boxes
What did we find out?
WALT: Apply and link scientific theory to write a prediction Literacy: I can use homophones correctly. DIRT/Respond in Red ANY place there is a yellow box – there is a response needed. Spellings- Write out 3 times. Use Exploring Science 8 books to help/ revsion guide. DIRT/Respond in Red ANY place there is a yellow box – there is a response needed. Spellings- Write out 3 times. Use Exploring Science 8 books to help/ revsion guide.
Science Homework – For Monday 12 th October Find out what conditions enzymes work best in.
WALT: Literacy Focus: WALT: Literacy Focus: Information
Your Task Literacy: I can use homophones correctly. WALT: Stuck? Use the revision guide P.
Information WALT: Literacy Focus: WALT: Literacy Focus: Information
The final challenge! WALT: Literacy Focus: