PROTECTION CLUSTER WORKING GROUP – GLOBAL LEVEL Established at global level late September Policy and aims outlined in Progress Report to IASC PM December Protection of IDPs and affected population in complex emergencies (UNHCR leads) and in situations of natural disasters (UN CT, but in Pakistan UNICEF).
Nine ‘areas of responsibility’ or ‘functional components’. Focal point to assume responsibility for specific area of protection: –Rule of Law and Justice (UNDP-OHCHR) –Prevention and Response to GBV (UNFPA/UNICEF) –Protection of Children (UNICEF) –Mine Action (UNMAS) –Land, Housing and Property Issues (UN HABITAT) –Promotion and Facilitation of Solutions (UNDP) –Logistics and Information Management Support for the Cluster (UNHCR) –Protection of Persons or Groups of Persons with specific protection needs (UNHCR) –Prevention and Response to Threats to Physical Safety and Security and other Human Rights Violations (OHCHR – UNHCR).
Established in 4 roll-out countries, and more recently Cote d’Ivoire. Also in Lebanon and Pakistan. “Always” activated. Further roll- out? Meets once a month. Between 30-40, many calls in. UN, NGOs, Consortia, the ICRC. Bring partners together in a forum for discussion and information sharing. How to service the field. At global level: Establish broad partnership bases (i.e. clusters) in three main areas: »Standards and policy-setting »Building response capacity »Operational support
STANDARD AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT Inter-agency IDP Protection Handbook Inter-agency Guidelines on profiling of IDPs IASC Gender Handbook RSG Benchmark for when Displacement ends Needs assessment tools (NAF, SPCP, AF). Development of Inter-agency monitoring and reporting tools. Particularly relevant: inter-agency HB on Housing and Property Restitutions for Refugees and Displaced Persons Policy development: scope and definition of protection. Ongoing. Mission statement for the cluster.
OPERATIONAL SUPPORT Deployment Strategy development Needs assessment and gap analysis. Guidance. Guidance notes on policy, vet documents etc. Information management.
WORKPLAN 2007 Strengthen interface with field Raise profile of PCWG, what it does and can do. What to expect of us. Development of tools Training Strengthen deployment capacity. Oversight Policy development.
PROTECTION AND SHELTER HLP – concerns basis human rights. Restitution/compensation. Protections aspects shelter: Evictions, location, security, gender, risks, threats, vulnerability, tenancy, agd. Participation What are the protection risks?