Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association Football 5 Man Mechanics
ProperPositioning Press Box < < < Score Board Coin Toss LJ BJ L R U C
Proper Positioning Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board After Coin Toss To Kick Off K LJ L U BJ R C
Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board R L LJ Kick Off Count R U Count K Count R Count K BJ K
Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board R L LJ Alter Position if Short Kick is Indicated by the Referee Count R U Count K Count R Count K BJ K
Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board U R BJ Onside Kick L LJ Did The Ball Hit The Ground? Did The Ball Go 10 yards? Did Either Team Touch The Ball?
Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Standard Play/ Pre-Snap Position Standard Play/ Pre-Snap Position U L LJ BJ 15 – 20 yards beyond the Defensive LOS. R
20 – 16 Yard Line Proper Positioning Press Box < < < 1 Inside The 20 Yard Line U R L LJ BJ Set up According to Safety
Press Box < < < 1 Approaching The Goal Line U BJ 5 Yard Line 2 R L LJ At the snap, L and LJ move to the Goal Line. BJ starts on the end- line inside the 15-yard line. Responsible for end-line coverage.
Reverse Goal Line Mechanics Press Box < < < Reverse Goal Line Mechanics U BJ 5 Yard Line 2 R L LJ
Counting Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Pre-Snap Duties U R L LJ BJ Count Offense Chains Count Defense
Boxing The Play In The “Accordion” Principle Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Collapsing Box Coverage U BJX XX X X X “Accordion” Principle - Dead Ball Officiating - Talk To Players - Break Up Confrontations - Make A Presence LJ L Square In At The Spot, LJ rotates when the ball goes to the opposite side. All Officials “Accordion” In R 2 L
Keep Relative Positioning Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Long Run Down Sideline U L LJ BJ R At The Snap, BJ Starts Backing Up Assume Goal Line Position Get The Spot
Strength to L’s Side Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Initial Keys U L LJ BJ R
Double Wing Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Initial Keys U L LJ BJ R
Trips Formation Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Initial Keys U R L LJ BJ
“Stacked” Formation Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Initial Keys U R L LJ BJ No Formal Keys
Balanced Formation Press Box <<< < < 1 Score Board Initial Keys U R L LJ BJ
Punt Proper Positioning Press Box <<< < < 4 Score Board Punt Mechanics BJ 3 0 < LJ L R U LJ releases on the snap. Hold momentarily after the snap and let the ball cross the LOS
Press Box <<< < < Score Board “Reverse” Mechanics 3 0 < 4 L U BJ R LJ Assume Goal Line Position Reverse Mechanics - Occurs On Punt And Interception Returns Signals Touchdown Referee has Goal Line Duty (Don’t Get Beat)
FG And Try Proper Positioning Press Box <<< < < 4 FG And Try Mechanics U R L LJ BJ 3 0 < If Blocked or Faked Outside the 25, LJ and BJ move to Pylons on the goal line.
Press Box <<< < < 4 After Try for Point Mechanics LJ R L BJ U 3 0 <
2 Measurement Mechanics 1 0 < 2 0 < 3 0 < U < L L R BJ Press Box LJ Back Judge Takes Charge Of The Box LJ marks spot with bean bag and then holds ball for measurement.
Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association Football 5 Man Mechanics