facebook Juliet Capulet is desperate to get away! NO ONE, not even my parents, can force me to do something against my will. They can threaten all they want, I REFUSE. Off to see Friar Lawrence because he’s the only one that can help :/ WallPhotosInboxHomeJuliet CapuletAccount View photos of Juliet (5) Send Juliet a message Poke Juliet Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Verona Birthday: July 31, 1476 Political: Democrat Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona, Italy Friends NurseParis TybaltFriar Lawrence Juliet Capulet is desperate to get away! NO ONE, not even my parents, can force me to do something against my will. They can threaten all they want, I REFUSE. Off to see Friar Lawrence because he’s the only one that can help :/ July 20, 1490 Paris > Juliet Capulet Hey cutie, I am so sorry about your loss. I am here for you. The enemy, Romeo, will pay for his actions! PS: I cannot wait ‘til Thursday ;) July 19, 1490 Juliet Capulet R.I.P, cousin Tybalt. I didn’t think anything could get worse after losing my dear cousin and my love… but I was wrong. July 18, 1490 Juliet Capulet Nurse just told me the GREATEST news! Off to meet with Friar Lawrence for ‘confession.’ July 18, 1490 Juliet Capulet getting ready for the party tonight!!! Soooooo excited, omg(: July 17, 1490 Juliet Capulet my dad wants me to get married…but I am not ready yet :/ Good thing he told me he won’t force me…thanks dad! July 17, 1490 Romeo Gwyneth
Personal Information facebook Juliet Capulet is desperate to get away! NO ONE, not even my parents, can force me to do something against my will. They can threaten all they want, I REFUSE. Off to see Friar Lawrence because he’s the only one that can help :/ WallPhotosInboxHomeJuliet CapuletAccount View photos of Juliet (5) Send Juliet a message Poke Juliet Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Verona Birthday: July 31, 1476 Political: Democrat Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona, Italy Photos Networks: Verona Sex: Female Birthday: July 31, 1476 Hometown: Verona, Italy Relationship Status: Married Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Dancing, reading, scrapbooking, lacrosse, tennis, and tractor tipping with Romeo. Interests: Facebook creeping, shopping, pottery, music, sitting on my balcony, thinking alone, and sleeping. Favorite Music: Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne, Eminem, and Trey Songz. Favorite Movies: Never Say Never, Takers, ATL, You Got Served, Honey, and Step Brothers. Favorite TV Shows: Maury, The Tyra Show, World’s Strictest Parents, Jersey Shore, Fantasy Factory, and Teen Mom. Favorite Books: Speak, My Sister’s Keeper, Precious, and The Clique Series The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Capulet Family Ball Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Capulet Palace, Verona, Italy Phone Number: (011)
facebook WallPhotosInboxHomeJuliet CapuletAccount WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Juliet 7 Photos (shown to all friends except: Paris and all members of your ‘Family” group.) Juliet’s Albums 3 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Juliet Capulet is desperate to get away! NO ONE, not even my parents, can force me to do something against my will. They can threaten all they want, I REFUSE. Off to see Friar Lawrence because he’s the only one that can help :/ Capulet Family Ball 4 photos